1、This shows that when people have to consider the information they hear carefully, it canimpair their driving ability significantly.(这表明,当人们不得不仔细思考他们听到的信息时,他们的驾驶能力会严重下降。)
2、Then it can really start toimpair your ability to communicate.(然后,它开始削弱你的社交能力。)
3、Because loud sounds, for example from whizzing speedboats, distract them, and apparentlyimpair their predatory skills.(因为巨大响声,例如快艇发出的巨大轰鸣声会让他们分心,而且明显损害了它们的捕猎技能。)
4、Research shows that a high alcohol intake can also damage our mental health,impair memory skills and reduce fertility.(研究表明,摄入过量酒精还会危害人们的心理健康,减弱记忆功能、降低生育能力。) haO86.com
5、If it occurred on a large enough scale it couldimpair efforts to enhance the safety of the domain name system.(如果这种现象大规模发生的话则会白费了加强域名系统安全做出的努力。)
6、Never, ever build an environment where the loss of a solitary resource wouldimpair the environment.(永远不要构建这样一个环境,即其中单个资源的丧失会损害整个环境。)
7、An immune system disease. Diseases that affect your immune system mayimpair your ability to heal after surgery.(免疫系统疾病:影响免疫系统的疾病会削弱你手术后痊愈的能力。)
8、Insufficient ingestion of staple food may thusimpair memory.(故主食摄取不足可能对记忆力造成损害。)
9、Even one drink canimpair driving performance.(即使一杯酒也可能影响驾驶操作。)
10、They can make high blood pressure worse, even uncontrollable, andimpair kidney function.(它们可以使血压升高,甚至损害肾脏功能。)
11、Some scientists say noise from all the boat traffic mayimpair a whale's sonar ability as much as 95 percent.(一些科学家认为船只熙攘来往的噪音会干扰破坏鲸鱼95%的声纳定位能力。)
12、But a brain injury doesn't selectivelyimpair autobiographical memory-much less bring it back.(但脑损伤不会有选择损害自传式记忆,更别提召回那些逝去的记忆了。)
13、It is known that noise pollution from offshore industry, shipping and sonar canimpair underwater communication, but can it really drive whales onto our beaches?(众所周知,来自近海工业、船舶和声纳的噪音污染会阻碍水下通信,但这些噪音真的能把鲸鱼赶到我们的海滩上吗?)
14、If you're taking medications that may (even slightly)impair your ability to do a good job.(如果你正在服药,而服药后会(即使很轻微地)影响你做好工作。)
15、If left alone, they eventually can grow large enough to cover the cornea andimpair sight.(如果不加治疗,它们最终会增大到足以覆盖角膜从而损伤视力。)
16、His cabinet office HQ is perfect if the intention is to limit his influence andimpair his ability to do anything substantial.(如果内阁办公室总部的目的就是限制副首相的影响,削弱他的实力的话,那这个总部圆满完成了任务。)
17、Their inability to scowl seemed toimpair their ability to see why pushy telemarketers or a lack of birthday wishes might make one's face fall.(他们无法动怒似乎削弱了他们的能力,让他们明白为什么咄咄逼人的电话推销员或没得到生日祝愿可能会让一个人沉下脸来。)
18、If it can affect walking, just imagine how much a cell phone conversation, or texting, canimpair judgment during driving.(如果这真的能影响到走路,想象一下,开车时用手机对话,或发短信是多么的影响判断力。)
19、Certain medical issues can alsoimpair hair growth.(一些疾病也可能影响头发的生长。)
20、Fear and anxietyimpair our ability to move forward and achieve the things that will bring happiness into our lives.(恐惧和焦虑会削弱我们前进的能力,妨碍我们完成能够给我们的生活带来幸福感的事情。)
21、Extreme stress canimpair the development of the nervous and immune systems.(极度紧张有可能损害神经和免疫系统发育。)
22、It mayimpair the digestive system.(它可能会损害消化系统。)
23、Overgrown databases canimpair the performance of your mission-critical ERP, CRM and custom applications.(数据库过度增长会影响任务关键型erp、CRM和定制应用程序的性能。)
24、Indeed, in pursuing worldly success, people generallyimpair their chances of gaining personal satisfaction.(事实上,在追求世俗的成功过程中,人们通常破坏了赢得个人满足感的机会。)
25、Overweight and obesity are defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that mayimpair health.(超重和肥胖的定义是可损害健康的异常或过量脂肪累积。)
26、For example, it canimpair orientation and sense of smell in young clownfish, making them more vulnerable to predators.(例如,它能削弱幼年小丑鱼的方向感和嗅觉,让它们更容易受到捕食者的攻击。)