1、Let's say you want to design an experiment to test how people react toflattery.(让我们假设你想要设计一个实验,来测试人们对别人的奉承的反应。)
2、He is proof againstflattery.(他不为阿谀奉承所动。)
3、He was laying theflattery on with a trowel.(他吹捧得天花乱坠。)
4、You know the cliche: imitation is the highest form offlattery.(你知道那句陈词滥调:模仿是奉承的最高形式。)
5、James was extremely susceptible toflattery.(詹姆斯非常容易受奉承话的影响。)
6、He's highly susceptible toflattery.(他爱听恭维话。)
7、flattery will get you nowhere with me, you impudent fellow!(拍马屁对我没用,你这厚颜无耻的家伙!)
8、flattery Will Get You everywhere.(拍拍马屁会让你心想事成。)
9、Some people useflattery to get favours.(有些人靠阿谀奉承谋求好处。)
10、He is above the insincereflattery.(他对这种假惺惺的谄谀不屑一顾。)
11、To keep thee from the evil woman, from theflattery of the tongue of a strange woman.(能保你远离恶妇,远离外女谄媚的舌头。)
12、Don't be afraid to useflattery to get what you want.(别怕用奉承的话来获得你想要的东西。)
13、I politely decline, feeling neither excitement norflattery nor repulsion.(我礼貌的推辞了,感觉不到兴奋,也不觉被奉承,也不排斥。)
14、flattery has turned his head.(奉承已使他头脑发昏。)
15、I was disgusted by her fulsomeflattery.(我讨厌她那套令人作呕的奉承。)
16、Listening and responding carefully may be the sincerest form offlattery.(认真听别人说话并做出合适的反应,可能是最真诚的恭维方式。)
17、I'm sure the sites won't mind, after all imitation is the most sincere form offlattery.(我相信这些站点不会介意的,毕竟模仿是最诚挚的敬佩。)
18、The crow, pleased with theflattery, and chuckling to think how she would surprise the fox with her caw, opened her mouth.(乌鸦听了甜言蜜语很高兴,一想到自己的叫声会使狐狸大吃一惊,就咯咯地笑起来,张开了嘴。)
19、He is ambitious and susceptible toflattery.(他雄心勃勃,而且很喜欢听恭维话。)
20、You're too intelligent to fall for hisflattery.(你很聪明,不会受他的阿谀奉承所惑。)
21、She was pleased by theflattery.(她听了这些奉承话而得意起来。)
22、He thinks by all his fast talking andflattery he can pull the wool over her eyes, but she isn't deceived.(他认为像这样花言巧语加上奉承就可以蒙蔽她,但她没有受骗。)
23、Another hazard that topples schedules isflattery.(使得时间表混乱的另一个可能事件是恭维。)
24、He is aboveflattery.(他不屑阿谀奉承。)
25、It seems that hisflattery won't work this time.(看来他的阿谀奉承这次不能奏效了。) hao86.com
26、If imitation is the greatest form offlattery, AIG certainly had its admirers.(如果模仿是最大程度的奉承,AIG当然有它的爱慕者。)