
更新时间:2025-03-09 12:06:11



  • 1、There will be aninterval of 20 minutes after the second act.(第二幕结束后将休息20分钟。)
  • 2、Because the midpoint of the Medieval Warm Period was about 850, an extension of Bond's cycles would place the midpoint of the next warminterval in the twenty-fourth century.(由于中世纪温暖期的中点约为850年,因此邦德循环的延长将使下一个温暖间隔的中点出现在二十四世纪。)
  • 3、Define the buildinterval.(定义构建间隔。)
  • 4、Theinterval between major earthquakes might be 200 years.(大地震之间的间隔时间可能有200年。)
  • 5、Experiment 1 validated the effect of interstimulusinterval.(实验1验证了时间间隔的作用。)
  • 6、There is a 15-minuteinterval between two boats.(两艘船之间有十五分钟的间隔。)
  • 7、Its updateinterval could even be one day.(它的更新间隔甚至缩短到了一天。)
  • 8、Recur at a specified timeinterval.(按指定时间间隔重复发生。)
  • 9、She resumed her career after aninterval of six years.(经过六年的间歇之后她又重新上岗。)
  • 10、The element specifies the buildinterval.(元素指定构建间隔。)
  • 11、Because P and S waves travel at different but fairly constant speeds, theinterval between their arrivals increases in proportion to the distance from the earthquake focus, or initial rupture point.(由于P波和S波以不同但相当恒定的速度传播,它们到达的间隔与到震源或初始破裂点的距离成比例地增加。)
  • 12、Aninterval of a year elapsed before we were able to return.(隔了一年我们才得以返回。)
  • 13、Fraser did not perform until after theinterval.(弗雷泽直到中场休息之后才出场。)
  • 14、In theinterval a blond boy dressed in white serenaded the company on the flute.(幕间休息时,一位白衣金发的男孩用长笛为来宾演奏了一支小夜曲。)
  • 15、In theinterval, here's what happened.(在这段时间里,事情就发生了。)
  • 16、If the forces of law had not uncovered Stein in the seven-yearinterval that was their hard luck.(要是执法机关没有在那七年的期限里抓到斯坦,那只能算他们不幸了。)
  • 17、Then, during aninterval in the conversation, someone takes out their phone to check who knows what.(然后,在谈话的间隙,有人拿出手机查看谁都不知道是什么的内容。)
  • 18、Startinterval training.(坚持间歇训练。)
  • 19、It is nowhere on thisinterval.(它不在这段间隔时间。)
  • 20、The next pitch on the trumpet is actually aninterval of a fifth.(小号的下一个音高实际上是一个五度音程。)
  • 21、At everyinterval there is an entry.(对于每个时间间隔,有一个对应的条目。)
  • 22、But, after a decentinterval, trade relations began to return to normal.(但是在一段适当的间断之后,贸易关系开始恢复正常。)
  • 23、Usually, it is possible to conclude that the inclusions are older than their diamond hosts, but with little indication of the timeinterval involved.(通常情况下,有可能得出包裹体比其金刚石寄主更古老的结论,但几乎没有说明所涉及的时间间隔。)
  • 24、With such a longinterval, it is difficult to determine the age of this fossil.(时间隔得这么久了,很难确定这化石的年代。)
  • 25、The process is repeated after a shortinterval of time.(该程序间隔很短时间就重复一次。)
  • 26、She ought to have waited for a decentinterval before getting married again.(她再次嫁人也应该适当等上一段时间。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 27、Cases in which many species become extinct within a geologically shortinterval of time are called mass extinctions.(许多物种在地质上很短的时间间隔内灭绝的情况称为大灭绝。)
  • 28、interval: How much time has passed?(时间间隔:已经过了多少时间?)
  • 29、Handling leap year is fairly straightforward—add an extra day, if using the Gregorian calendar, to the year-month or dayinterval calculations.(处理闰年相当简单——如果使用公历,在以年月日为时间间隔的计算中添加额外的一天。)
  • 30、For most earthquakes, Wadati discovered, theinterval was quite short near the epicenter; the point on the surface where shaking is strongest.(达清夫发现,对于大多数地震来说,震中附近的时间间隔都很短;震中指的是地表上震动最强烈的地方。)



英 [ˈɪntəvl] 美 [ˈɪntərvl] 
形容词: intervalic

