
更新时间:2025-01-05 12:05:51



  • 1、Mark showed nooutward signs of distress.(马克在外表上没有现出沮丧的神色来。)
  • 2、The finger is still crooked to this day, bent at the bottom knuckle a full 45 degreesoutward from his other fingers.(直到今天,他的手指仍然是弯曲的,底部的指关节与其他手指呈45度角向外弯曲。)
  • 3、In spite of myoutward calm I was very shaken.(尽管表面看似镇静,我内心却非常慌乱。)
  • 4、The thousand liveried angels—begin to cast their beam on the virgin'soutward shape—that's her body, the temple that houses her virginal mind.(成千上万个穿着制服的天使——开始将他们的光束投射到处女的外形上——那是她们的身体,那是容纳她们纯洁心灵的圣殿。)
  • 5、It was pointingoutward at an angle of 45 degrees.(它以45度角指向外侧。)
  • 6、The windows were small, glazed with little diamond-shaped panes, and they openedoutward, on hinges, like doors.(窗户很小,镶着菱形的玻璃,而且像门一样,是通过铰链向外打开的。)
  • 7、He had a physical strength that matched hisoutward appearance.(他的体力与他的外形相称。)
  • 8、The two things are the same inoutward form but different in essence.(这两样东西外表上相同,但本质上不同。)
  • 9、The walls of the dilapidated shed leanoutward.(那座破棚屋的墙向外倾。)
  • 10、Normally, such anoutward display of affection is reserved for his mother.(通常,他只在他母亲前才情感外露。)
  • 11、Other poor countries lookedoutward, strengthening their ties to the economic superpowers.(其他的穷国向外看,加强它们和经济大国的联系。)
  • 12、Light pollution is largely the result of bad lighting design, which allows artificial light to shineoutward and upward into the sky.(光污染在很大程度是因为照明设计得不好,人造光可以向外和向上照射到天空。)
  • 13、The material can absorboutward-going radiation from the earth.(这种材料可以吸收地球向外辐射的能量。)
  • 14、I had the experience of seeing one of myoutward bound students years ago at a reunion event.(我曾经在一个重聚的活动上,看到了多年前拓展训练时我的一个学生。)
  • 15、Since the strings faced upward, the sound was projected toward the ceiling rather thanoutward toward the audience.(既然琴弦是朝上的,声音就向天花板传了,而不是向外传到观众那。) haO86.com
  • 16、The top door openedoutward.(最上面的门向外开着。)
  • 17、"Regions ofoutward migration allow planets and planetoids to survive, " Mac Low said.(麦克·劳说:“向外迁移的地区使行星和小行星得以生存。”)
  • 18、The artist is depicting subjective emotions, showing the inner reality as interpreted by the artist rather than theoutward form.(画家描绘的是主观的情感,表现的是画家所理解的内在的实质,而不是外在的形式。)
  • 19、It seems that men with traditional views of masculinity are more likely to suppressoutward emotions and to fear emotions, supposedly because such feelings may lead to a loss of composure.(具有传统男子气观念的男性似乎更有可能抑制外部情绪和恐惧情绪,大概是因为这种情绪可能会导致失去镇定。)
  • 20、A negative face has anoutward normal pointing in a direction opposite that of the positive x-axis.(负向的外法线指向与正x轴相反的方向。)
  • 21、Mark was lying unconscious but with nooutward sign of injury.(马克躺着,神志不清,但却没有外在的受伤迹象。)
  • 22、She simply observes theoutward forms of religion.(她只是表面上信教而已。)
  • 23、The shock wave forms a cone of pressurized air molecules which moveoutward and rearward in all directions and extend to the ground.(冲击波形成了一个由压缩气体分子构成的圆锥体,它朝四面八方向外和向后移动,一直延伸到地面。)
  • 24、Was there only oneoutward migration from a single point in Asia, or several from different points?(在亚洲,是否只有一个或多个移民点向外迁移?)
  • 25、Exotropia is the term used to describeoutward turning of the eyes (aka "wall-eyed").(外斜视的症状是眼球向外转(又名“白眼”)。)
  • 26、Bad lighting design allows artificial light to shineoutward and upward into the sky.(糟糕的照明设计使人造光向外向上照射到天空。)
  • 27、Theiroutward appearance seems rather appealing because they come in a variety of styles, textures, and colors.(它们的外观看起来相当吸引人,因为它们有各种各样的风格、纹理和颜色。)
  • 28、On the other hand, the repression, as far as possible, of alloutward signs softens our emotions.(相反,尽可能地压抑这种情感迹象的流露反而会缓和我们的情绪。)
  • 29、The ingenuity of Renaissance architects extended beyond merely using a material in a way not suggested by itsoutward natural appearance.(文艺复兴时期的建筑师的独创性不仅仅是使用一种材料,而是以一种不被其外在自然外观所暗示的方式。)



英 [ˈaʊtwəd] 美 [ˈaʊtwərd] 
名词: outwardness

