
更新时间:2024-08-27 11:45:39



  • 1、The best way torespond to a flame is to ignore it.(回应攻击性电子邮件的最好方式就是置之不理。)
  • 2、Either way, we have choices about how werespond to it when it comes.(不管怎样,当它来临时,我们可以选择如何去应对。)
  • 3、Even very young premature babiesrespond to their mother's presence.(即使很小的早产儿也会对母亲的在场有所反应。)
  • 4、The directors were unwilling torespond to questions.(董事们不愿意回答问题。)
  • 5、He willrespond to that.(他将会为那做出反应。)
  • 6、Teenagers mightrespond to their parents' rejection of their puppy love with resistance.(青少年可能会用反抗的方式来回应其父母对其早恋的反对。)
  • 7、How do the different skill levelsrespond to a model like this?(不同的技能水平又如何回应到这样的模型上呢?)
  • 8、Grandly, however, did Tootlesrespond.(不过,图图的反应出乎意料。)
  • 9、Once or twice I heard her muttering, but when I said, "Sorry? What did you say?" she didn'trespond.(有一两次我听见她在嘀嘀咕咕,但当我说“抱歉?你说什么?”时,她没有回答。)
  • 10、Our brainsrespond better to difficulty than we imagine.(我们的大脑对困难的反应比我们想象的要好。)
  • 11、How did theyrespond to the news?(他们对这则消息有什么反应?)
  • 12、The world community has been slow torespond to the crisis.(国际社会对该危机的反应向来迟缓。)
  • 13、The infection did notrespond to the drugs.(这些药物对感染没有起作用。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 14、Photoreceptors are cells thatrespond to light by sending out a chemical signal.(光感受器是通过发出化学信号来对光作出反应的细胞。)
  • 15、Some childrenrespond more demonstratively than others.(一些孩子的反应比其他孩子的更感性。)
  • 16、Babies speak baby languages like babble, and theyrespond to babies in the same baby language.(婴儿会讲些咯咯咕咕的婴儿语,而他们会以同样的婴儿语回应婴儿。)
  • 17、In wet periods, the land may be able torespond to these stresses.(在湿润时期,土地可能会对这些压力作出反应。)
  • 18、Staffrespond well to her unbuttoned style of management.(职工对她洒脱的管理风格反应很好。)
  • 19、These plants just automaticallyrespond to light in certain ways.(这些植物会自动地以某种方式对光线做出反应。)
  • 20、I asked him his name, but he didn'trespond.(我问他叫什么名字,可他没回答。)
  • 21、Why theyrespond to advertising as they do?(为什么他们会对广告做出如此反应?)
  • 22、In contrast, they might onlyrespond to a girl's comments with a nod.(相比之下,他们可能只会用点头来回应女孩的评论。)
  • 23、This modest group size allows our teachers torespond to the needs of each student.(这个适中的小组规模使得我们的老师们可以应对每个学生的需要。)
  • 24、They reallyrespond well.(他们的反应真的很好。)
  • 25、It is not yet clear how advertisers willrespond.(目前尚不清楚广告客户将如何回应。)
  • 26、In that case, how should Irespond?(在那种情况下,我该如何回应?)
  • 27、You can rely on him torespond to a challenge.(你可以信赖他,他懂得应付挑战。)
  • 28、So far the police have refused torespond to their provocations.(截至目前为止,警方并未对他们的挑衅作出反应。)
  • 29、Eric could onlyrespond in broken English.(埃里克只能用蹩脚的英语应答。)



英 [rɪˈspɒnd] 美 [rɪˈspɑ:nd] 
名词: responder 过去式: responded 过去分词: responded 现在分词: responding 第三人称单数: responds

