1、She shall give to thine head anornament of grace: a crown of glory shall she deliver to thee.(他必将华冠加在你头上,把荣冕交给你。)
2、Hangzhou, Tea houses Wonderfullyornament the West lake.(杭州,茶馆是西湖完美的装点。)
3、Learning is anornament in prosperity, a refuge in adversity, and a provision in old age.(学问在成功时是装饰品,在失意时是庇护所,在年老时是供应品。)
4、A nice scented sachet is not just anornament, but more of something that contains cultural and historical richness.(漂亮的香囊不仅是装饰品,而且含有丰富的文化和历史内涵。)
5、Let the metal potornament wealthy homes; you have work to do in those of the poor.(让金属锅仅仅作为家里的摆设,在贫困当中你必须行动。)
6、A woman standing under such an irresistableornament would just have to be kissed!(站在如此不可抗拒的饰物下的女性将会被人亲吻!)
7、From the sheepskin floor MATS to the retractable winged hoodornament, the Phantom is a luxury.(从奢华的羊皮地板到美轮美奂的外部装饰,幻影出现的本身就是对豪华最好的诠释。)
8、Yes; then something better, something still grander, will surely follow, or wherefore should they thusornament me?(是的;然后一定会有更好的,更美的事情到来,不然他们为什么要这样装饰我呢?)
9、The clock is simply forornament; it doesn't work any more.(这架时钟纯属摆设,它再也不走了。)
10、I see well that you are both for use andornament, my dear young lady.(我亲爱的小姐,我可以看出,你既有用途,又可以当作装饰品。)
11、The mental patient thinks the cement is the elementary element of theornament.(精神病人认为水泥是装饰品的基本成分.)
12、She was deceived into buying a jadeornament.(她受骗买下了一件玉石饰物。)
13、The inspiration for the design has been taken from South African crafted chickenornament. (Link)(设计灵感源自南非的手工公鸡饰品。)
14、He must have all Edward's virtues, and his person and manners mustornament his goodness with every possible charm.(他必须具备爱德华的全部美德。而为美德增添光彩,他又必须人品出众,风度迷人。)
15、The building is anornament to the city.(这座建筑物为整个城市增色不少。)
16、In 1847, a Lauscha local is credited with inventing the first glass Christmas treeornament.(在1847年,一名当地的劳沙人被认定发明了第一件玻璃圣诞树。)
17、There is anornament made of shells on the wall.(墙上有一个贝壳做成的装饰品。)
18、Theornament is made of rhodolite stone.(此饰品由红榴石头制成。)
19、Once pierced, a belly with a hole will eventually loose that hole, unless some type ofornament remains inside the same hole.(一旦穿刺,带洞的肚皮最终会抹平那个洞,除非某款饰品一直装置在里边。) (好工具hao86.com)
20、Her office has stumbled upon items, such as a 17th-century silver altarornament, that were sold to be melted down as scrap.(她的办公室里堆满了东西,比如一件17世纪的银制祭坛装饰,被文物贩子熔化为小块后出售。)
21、With regalornament; the middle pair.(俨然帝王的装饰;中间一对。)
22、When you can't deliverornament, you have to deliver substance.(如果你不能放弃装饰,你就得放弃本质。)
23、she asked, giving another look of delight at the beautifully arranged square with the bowl as a chiefornament in the centre.(她问,又冲着这个漂亮的方形摆设做了一个高兴的表情。碗放在中间作为最主要的点缀。)
24、To get down to it, you have to cut away what is not true, what is inflated, beside the point, excess,ornament.(更直接点,你们要去掉不真实的,除了这点还有膨胀的,过量的和装饰的。)
25、This is because their staple food, milkweed, is being used more and more as a gardenornament.(这是因为它们的主要食物乳草被越来越多的用于园林装饰。)
26、In addition, theornament that fills the new hole in the patient's belly has to be rotated on a regular basis.(另外,填塞病人肚皮新洞洞的饰品必须定时转动。努力清洁肚皮和注意转动新肚皮装饰品,都必须是病人常规治疗的一部分。)