1、hydrogen is seen as an important future energy carrier.(氢被认为是未来重要的能源载体。)
2、hydrogen and oxygen combine to form water.(氢与氧化合成水。)
3、Water containshydrogen and oxygen.(水含有氢和氧。)
4、You might say, "Well, gee, why don't we just power our cars withhydrogen placed on an internal combustion chamber."(你可能会说:“好吧,哎呀,为什么我们不把氢气放在汽车内部的燃烧室,来驱动我们的汽车呢。”)
5、Bacteria feed on this oil and releasehydrogen sulfide gas.(细菌以这种油为食,并释放硫化氢气体。)
6、The Jovian planets have very thick atmospheres consisting of varying amounts ofhydrogen, helium, methane, and ammonia.(木星的行星有非常厚的大气层,且由不同数量的氢、氦、甲烷和氨等元素组成。)
7、Stars like our sun fusehydrogen in their cores into helium.(太阳一类的恒星在其核心将氢聚变成氦。)
8、These devices then combinehydrogen and oxygen to make water and liberate electricity in the process.(然后这些装置将氢和氧合成水,并在这个过程中释放电力。)
9、There are vague promises of manufacturing fuel from herbs or powering cars withhydrogen.(植物制造燃料或者用氢气来驱动汽车是有可能的。)
10、Two atoms ofhydrogen combine with one atom of oxygen to form a molecule of water.(两个氢原子和一个氧原子结合组成一个水分子。)
11、Water can be resolved [decomposed] intohydrogen and oxygen.(水可分解为氢和氧。)
12、The spokesman said, "hydrogen bombs don't kill people — people kill people."(发言人说:“氢弹不会杀死人——人才会杀死人。”)
13、Oxygen could be used to breathe, andhydrogen could be turned into fuel, rocket fuel.(氧气可以用来呼吸,氢气可以变成燃料,火箭燃料。)
14、hydrogen turns into Helium, which releases energy.(氢变成氦的时候会释放能量。)
15、Atoms ofhydrogen are fused to make helium.(氢原子可熔合成氦。)
16、J.J. Balmer, who was a school teacher in the 1800s, was the first to describe these lines that could be seen fromhydrogen.(J.J.Balmer,在19世纪是一名教师,他是第一个描述这些可以从氢气中看到的线条的人。)
17、In another demonstration, they analyzedhydrogen production in bacteria for the University of Washington.(在另一项演示中,他们为华盛顿大学分析了细菌中的制氢过程。)
18、It contained very littlehydrogen and helium.(它含有非常少的氢和氦。) haO86.com
19、A molecule of water consists of two atoms ofhydrogen and one atom of oxygen.(水分子由两个氢原子和一个氧原子构成。)
20、Water is a compound containing the elements ofhydrogen and oxygen.(水是含有氢元素和氧元素的化合物。)
21、Another option is to store the energy by transforming it intohydrogen fuel.(另一种选择是通过将其转化为氢燃料来储存能量。)
22、Technological improvements are needed so that wind, solar andhydrogen can be more feasible parts of the energy equation.(现有技术需要改进,使风能、太阳能和氢气成为能源等式中的可行性更高。)
23、hydrogen is used extensively in industry for the production of ammonia.(氢气大量地在工业中被用于氨的生产。)
24、Mosthydrogen and oxygen atoms in water are stable, but traces of both elements are also present as heavier isotopes.(大多数在水中氢和氧的原子是稳定的,但这两个元素的痕迹也存在重同位素。)
25、Some people consider thehydrogen bomb a very fatal weapon which could kill somebody.(有些人认为氢弹是一种非常致命的武器,它可以杀人。)
26、Whenhydrogen sulfide reacts with the oxygen in the water, the result of that is sulfuric acid.(当硫化氢与水中的氧反应,得到的就是硫酸。)
27、The energy for singlehydrogen atom is negative 1312 kilojoules per mole.(单个氢原子的能量是-1312千焦每摩尔。)
28、It could also be broken down into its component parts—oxygen andhydrogen.(它也可以按照组成部分被分解——氧和氢。)
29、The first bubbles to escape from the liquid are a mixture of air andhydrogen.(从该液体中最先逸出的气泡是空气和氢的混合物。)