
更新时间:2024-08-27 11:45:07



  • 1、It must be strong, solid, but notcoarse.(他必须要是坚实有力的,但也不能粗陋。)
  • 2、His shirt and pants were made ofcoarse fabric.(他的衬衣和裤子由粗糙的布料做成。)
  • 3、Although most of their scales have been lost, tunas and mackerels retain a patch ofcoarse scales near the head called the corselet.(虽然它们的大部分鳞片已经消失,但金枪鱼和鲭鱼头部附近仍保留着一块粗糙的鳞片,称为胸甲。)
  • 4、She spoke in a quiet voice but used remarkablycoarse expressions.(她说话声音很轻,但使用了非常粗俗的言辞。)
  • 5、Acoarse linen apron concealed the half of her petticoat.(一条粗布围腰把那裙子遮去了一半。)
  • 6、Start with acoarse-grained plan.(从粗粒度的计划开始。)
  • 7、A stage is a verycoarse-grained component.(阶段是一种非常粗粒度的组件。)
  • 8、The man was brutish andcoarse.(这个人野蛮而粗俗。)
  • 9、It was a boy, bareheaded, ill shod, and clothed incoarse plebeian garments that were falling to rags.(那是个孩子,没戴帽子,没穿鞋,穿着破烂的粗布平民衣服。)
  • 10、Larval and nymphal ticks may penetrate acoarse weave sock.(幼虫和蜱蛹可能会渗透粗织袜子。)
  • 11、They are found wherever fast rivers carrying loads ofcoarse sediment once flowed.(在携带大量粗泥沙的湍急河流流经的任何地方,都能找到它们。)
  • 12、Double-directionally rolling could fragmentate thecoarse grain further.(双向轧制能进一步破碎钽板粗晶铸态组织。)
  • 13、Operations havecoarse-grained parameters.(操作应采用粗粒度参数。)
  • 14、coarse-grained estimates and wiggle room.(粗粒度评估和回旋空间。)
  • 15、Services should becoarse-grained and business aligned.(服务应该为粗粒度的,且与业务一致。)
  • 16、In all of these, the estimates are fairlycoarse.(所有的这些评估都是粗略的。)
  • 17、The soldiers did not bother to moderate theircoarse humour in her presence.(士兵们没有费神去约束他们的粗俗幽默,尽管她在场。)
  • 18、Keep the communicationcoarse-grained.(保持通讯的粗粒度。)
  • 19、She presently returned with some pens andcoarse paper.(她立刻拿着几支笔和一些粗纸回来了。)
  • 20、Thecoarse language on TV was bleeped out.(电视节目中的粗话已被用哔哔声干扰。)
  • 21、They are clothed incoarse woollen orcoarse linen.(他们穿粗呢或粗布。)
  • 22、Component model Fine grainedcoarse grained.(组件模型细粒度粗粒度。)
  • 23、She found their laughter and noisy gamescoarse and rather vulgar.(她觉得他们的笑声和吵吵闹闹的游戏趣味低下,俗不可耐。)
  • 24、The themes in Table 3.1 containcoarse-grained items.(表3.1中的主题包含了粗粒度的待办项。)
  • 25、A type of screw and nut withcoarse pitch was applied to realize thread core demoulding automatically.(采用螺距粗的螺丝和螺母实现螺纹型芯自动脱模。)
  • 26、Few people noticed hiscoarse action.(很少人注意到他的粗鲁行为。)
  • 27、He pulled out a longcoarse cloth from under the shirts.(他从衬衫下面抽出一块很长的粗布。)
  • 28、It's good to havecoarse grain often.(常吃粗粮有好处。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 29、By contrast, dry soils are sandy and porous, theircoarse textures permitting water to drain rapidly.(相比之下,干燥的土壤是沙质和多孔的,其粗糙的质地允许了水分的迅速流失。)
  • 30、Testing at the GUI level is verycoarse-grained.(gui级的测试是一种非常粗粒度的测试。)



英 [kɔ:s] 美 [kɔ:rs] 
副词: coarsely 比较级: coarser 最高级: coarsest 名词: coarseness
