


更新时间:2024-08-27 11:45:05



  • 1、So does the idea that decisions made by AI systems should be explainable,transparent, and fair.(人工智能系统做出的决策应该是可解释的、透明的和公平的,这一观点也是如此。)
  • 2、High thin clouds are verytransparent to solar radiation, like clear air.(太阳辐射可以轻易地通过高空薄云层,就像通过空气一样。)
  • 3、Low thick clouds are nottransparent to radiation.(低厚的云是辐射不可穿透的。)
  • 4、When you want to know if something istransparent to visible light or not, here is the mystery material and here is visible light.(当你想知道某物对可见光是否透明时,这里是神秘物质,这里是可见光。)
  • 5、A sodium chloride crystal istransparent to visible light.(氯化钠晶体对可见光是透明。)
  • 6、He's sotransparent.(他很容易被识破。)
  • 7、He thought he could fool people withtransparent deceptions.(他以为他能用易识破的骗术愚弄人。)
  • 8、The way rewards are distributed should betransparent so that employees perceive that rewards or outcomes are equitable and equal to the inputs given.(分配奖励的方式应该是透明公开的,这样员工就会认为奖励或者说结果是公平的,并且与付出相等。)
  • 9、Atransparent object doesn't absorb or scatter light.(透明物体不吸收或散射光。)
  • 10、The balloon, atransparent structure that varies in design according to the type of appendicularian inhabiting it, also protects the animal and helps to keep it afloat.(气球是一个透明的结构,根据栖息在气球上的阑尾鱼的类型,气球的设计也有所不同,它还能保护动物,帮助它们保持漂浮。)
  • 11、All of these aretransparent to you, as you still end up with a node that has the name you want.(所有这些对于您来说都是透明的,最终得到的是一个具有您所希望的名称的节点。)
  • 12、Many advocates think thattransparent data procedures with a date and time stamp will protect scientists from being scooped.(许多支持者认为,带有日期和时间戳的透明数据程序能够保护科学家的成果不被窃取。)
  • 13、Still, the University of Tennessee deserves credit for beingtransparent.(不过,田纳西大学的透明度还是值得称赞。)
  • 14、Optical astronomy is most directly affected, for although interstellar gas is perfectlytransparent, the dust is not.(光学天文学受到最直接的影响,因为虽然星际气体是完全透明的,但尘埃却不是。)
  • 15、Atransparent animal doesn't have pigments, so its tissues won't absorb light.(透明生物的体内没有色素,因此它的细胞组织不吸收光线。)
  • 16、With the bottom of the projection of a whitetransparent container filled with water, then drip in the water the color ink or oil-based paint.(用一个装满水的白色透明容器的投影的底部,然后在水面点滴彩墨或油基的颜料。)
  • 17、You gonna betransparent and explain to people what you need to do, because no one can understand completely what you are, as the surgeon, thinking.(你要透明地向人们解释你需要做什么,因为没有人能完全理解你作为外科医生的想法。)
  • 18、They are also covered with a slick,transparent lid that reduces drag.(它们还覆盖着一层光滑、透明的盖子,可以减少阻力。)
  • 19、On the other hand, thetransparent linking of wired and wireless networks is an unsolved problem.(另一方面,有线和无线网络间的透明连接是一个尚未解决的问题。)
  • 20、It is a movement building steady momentum: a call to make research data, software code and experimental methods publicly available andtransparent.(这是一场建立稳定势头的运动:呼吁让研究数据、软件代码和实验方法公开和透明。)
  • 21、LASIK eye surgery changes the shape of your cornea—thetransparent membrane that arcs over your pupil and the colored part of your eye (iris).(LASIK眼科手术改变了你的角膜的形状——角膜是覆盖在你的瞳孔和你的眼睛的有色部分(虹膜)上的弧形透明膜。)
  • 22、transparent animals use different tricks to fight scattering.(透明生物使用不同的技巧以对抗光的散射作用。)
  • 23、Their gauzy skirts had brushed up from the grass innumerable flies and butterflies which remained caged in thetransparent tissue as in an aviary.(她们的薄纱裙从草丛中拂起无数的苍蝇和蝴蝶,它们被关在像鸟舍一样的透明的薄纱里。) hao86.com
  • 24、In fact, the insertion of the client and provider gateways into the flow should betransparent to both the client and provider.(实际上,将客户端和提供者网关插入到流中应该对客户端和提供者都是透明的。)
  • 25、All of these aretransparent to the user.(所有这些对用户而言都是透明的。)
  • 26、The company has to make its accounts and operations astransparent as possible.(该公司不得不尽力使它的帐目和运作一目了然。)
  • 27、Metals are opaque, so the other electrode must betransparent.(金属是不透明的,因此另一个电极必须是透明的。)
  • 28、There were once upon a time three sisters, quitetransparent, and very beautiful.(从前有三姐妹,非常透明,非常美丽。)
  • 29、The insect's wings are almosttransparent.(这昆虫的翅膀几乎是透明的。)
  • 30、The poem's comic allegory wastransparent.(这首诗歌的喜剧性讽寓很明显。)



英 [trænsˈpærənt] 美 [trænsˈpærənt] 
副词: transparently 名词: transparentness
