


更新时间:2025-03-02 12:06:45



  • 1、It tasted like cherry tart,pineapple, roast turkey and toast all the things that she liked to eat so she drank some more.(它尝起来像樱桃馅饼、菠萝、烤火鸡和吐司——所有这些她喜欢吃的东西,所以她又喝了一些。)
  • 2、The scenes from Malaya include a rubber plantation, Chinese temples, tin mining in Perak, tobacco planting, andpineapple-picking in Penang.(来自马来半岛的风景包括橡胶园、中国寺庙、霹雳州的锡矿、烟草种植园、槟榔屿的菠萝采摘。)
  • 3、I'll have apineapple juice, please.(请给我来一杯菠萝汁吧。)
  • 4、Each was given apineapple.(每人给了一个菠萝。)
  • 5、The trees produce a delicious edible fruit, similar to a creamy mixture of banana, mango, andpineapple.(这种树能结出美味的可食用果实,类似于香蕉、芒果和菠萝的乳脂混合。)
  • 6、We should quarter thepineapple.(我们应该把这个菠萝分成四等份。)
  • 7、I would like ham andpineapple.(我要火腿和菠萝。)
  • 8、More than 10 years ago, it was difficult to buy a tastypineapple.(10多年前,要买到好吃的菠萝是很难的。)
  • 9、He won't takepineapple juice.(他不肯喝菠萝汁。)
  • 10、The brownie andpineapple cheesecake have a marginal value, because their value is at the limit of their sign constraints.(布朗尼和菠萝芝士蛋糕都有一个临界值,因为它们的值受到了符号约束的限制。)
  • 11、I like makingpineapple pie.(我喜欢做菠萝派。)
  • 12、Gradually stir in the dry ingredients, then fold in the carrots,pineapple, coconut, walnuts and raisins.(慢慢拌入干料,然后拌入胡萝卜、菠萝、椰子、核桃和葡萄干。)
  • 13、If you like, add some tropical fruits such aspineapple or papaya.(如果你喜欢,可以加入一些热带水果,如菠萝或木瓜。)
  • 14、pineapple, pear, apple and orange, a lot of sweet smell, all hid in the small rain!(梨、菠萝、苹果和橘子,好多好多香甜的气味,都躲在小雨滴里呢!)
  • 15、Mango andpineapple are yellow.(芒果和菠萝是黄色的。)
  • 16、Yes, it is apineapple.(是的,这是菠萝。)
  • 17、Don't panic-- it's the tough core of thepineapple, not the prickly skin that you should tuck into.(别惊恐——你应该吃的是菠萝坚硬的果核,而不是多刺的外皮。)
  • 18、Thepineapple tastes very sour.(这菠萝尝起来很酸。)
  • 19、The mane attraction—a lion made frompineapple and apple slices takes pride of place on the dinner table.(鬃毛的吸引力——由菠萝和苹果片制成的狮子占据了餐桌上的首要位置。)
  • 20、I have apineapple.(我有一个菠萝。)
  • 21、What about apineapple pie?(一个菠萝派怎么样?)
  • 22、I have a pen and apineapple.(我有一支笔和一个菠萝。)
  • 23、Apineapple and three watermelons, please.(请给我一个菠萝和三个西瓜。)
  • 24、My favorite fruits are mango andpineapple.(我喜欢的水果是芒果和菠萝。)
  • 25、The various components like coconut mousse, candiedpineapple and coconut dacquiose are flavors that I, who grew up in a tropical country, can identify with.(各种不同成分的原料像椰子奶油冻、蜜饯菠萝和椰子达克瓦兹都是在生长在热带国家的我所能分辨的滋味。)
  • 26、Which do you prefer,pineapple juice or grapefruit juice?(菠萝汁和西柚汁,您想要哪一种?)
  • 27、If you come to my home, I invite you to taste lychee, longan,pineapple and so on.(如果你来到我的家乡,我请你吃荔枝,龙眼,菠萝等。)
  • 28、I want apineapple pie.(我要一个菠萝派。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 29、pineapple is my favorite fruit.(菠萝是我喜欢的水果。)



英 [ˈpaɪnæpl] 美 [ˈpaɪnˌæpəl] 
