rule out造句

更新时间:2024-06-30 12:37:56


rule out造句

  • 1、Of course He did notrule out that additional layoffs might occur later.(当然了,他并没有排除未来还会继续裁员的可能。)
  • 2、Yourule out confiscation.(你排除了没收这种选择。)
  • 3、But even then, it does notrule out the existence of cops.(但即使如此,我们也不能排除警察的存在。)
  • 4、So they are doing all they can torule out more pedestrian explanations.(因此,他们要尽力排除更多需要冗繁陈腐的解释的事情。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 5、Physical and eye examinations, with special attention to cardiac and blood-pressure problems, should be performed annually torule out serious medical conditions.(每年应进行身体和眼睛检查,特别注意心脏和血压问题,以排除严重的疾病。)
  • 6、He does notrule out this possibility.(他并未排除这种可能性。)
  • 7、It is true a board would be stupid torule out anyone over 50 for the top job.(的确,如果董事会将任何超过50岁的人都排除在最高职位之外,这是愚蠢的做法。)
  • 8、But neither does herule out a share buy-back.(但是他也没有排除回购的可能。)
  • 9、So, we canrule out a randomized controlled experiment.(因此,我们可以将随机对照实验排除在外。)
  • 10、We can probablyrule out alien technology, though.(不过,我们可以排除掉外星人技术这一可能了。)
  • 11、But do notrule out negative effects on the heart muscle and other organs.(但不排除心脏肌肉和其他器官的负面影响。)
  • 12、Don'trule out the possibility that this will happen again.(别排除这种事情会再次发生的可能性。)
  • 13、Yet, as I thought about Juan's question, I was not sure how much more we could reallyrule out.(然而,当我思考胡安的问题时,我不确定我们还能排除多少可能性。)
  • 14、In any case, failure to find fossils of a predicted kind does notrule out their existence in an undiscovered deposit.(在任何情况下,没有发现预测到的化石并不表示它们不存在于未发现的矿床中。)
  • 15、The founder had chucked his codingrule out of the window.(这个创始人把他的编码法则扔到了窗户之外。)
  • 16、We cannotrule out the possibility that climate change is not the result of human activities.(我们不能排除这一可能性,那就是气候变化不是人类活动导致的结果。)
  • 17、He refused torule out the possibility of a tax increase.(他拒绝排除增税的可能性。)
  • 18、So the lack of light in Europa's subsurface ocean doesn't automaticallyrule out life forming.(因此,木卫二的地下海洋中光线的缺乏,并不意味着不可能有生命形成。)
  • 19、She refused torule out speculation that this was General Younes.(有猜测指这人就是尤尼斯将军,对此她拒绝加以排除。)
  • 20、This should let yourule out certain areas and focus on one or two.(这样应该就可以让您排除某些方面,而将注意力放在一两个方面。)
  • 21、Theyrule out some things.(他们排除了一些情况。)
  • 22、We won'trule out any measures and will take decisive action when necessary.(我们不排除任何措施,必要时会进行决定性行动。)
  • 23、We are more inclined to make small acquisition but would notrule out bigger deals.(我们更倾向于小型收购但并不排除大型收购的可能性。)
  • 24、Check with your doctor torule out other potential causes that may need attention.(可以找医生帮助检查并排除其他可能需要注意的潜在因素。)
  • 25、Don'trule out small businesses or those in struggling industries.(不要把小公司或目前处境艰难行业的公司排除在外。)
  • 26、As the dataset is not in a symmetrical shape, we can clearlyrule out that a normal distribution model would not be a suitable choice.(由于数据集不是对称的,我们可以清楚地排除正态分布模型不是一个合适的选择。)

rule out基本释义

rule out

英 [ru:l aut] 美 [rul aʊt] 
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