


更新时间:2024-07-07 12:37:35



  • 1、It seemed aperfectly legitimate question.(这似乎是完全合乎情理的问题。)
  • 2、That's aperfectly legitimate fear.(那是种完全合乎逻辑的恐惧。)
  • 3、I knewperfectly well what she meant.(我完全懂她的意思。)
  • 4、Her hair wasperfectly coiffed.(她的头发是精心打理过的。)
  • 5、She is alwaysperfectly groomed.(她总是打扮得干净利落。)
  • 6、He should be able to lead aperfectly normal life.(他应该能够过上完全正常的生活。)
  • 7、We can get onperfectly well without her.(没有她我们也能过得很好。)
  • 8、Her story soundedperfectly plausible.(她的说辞听起来言之有理。)
  • 9、It was aperfectly innocent remark.(那是一句毫无冒犯之意的话。) Hao86.com
  • 10、Their attitude isperfectly understandable.(他们的态度是完全可以理解的。)
  • 11、She strove to perform all her wifely functionsperfectly.(她努力做一个完美的贤妻。)
  • 12、She timed the passperfectly.(她传球的时机掌握得恰到好处。)
  • 13、The point you make isperfectly valid.(你提出的论点完全站得住脚。)
  • 14、His experience fitted himperfectly for the job.(他的经验使他完全胜任这项工作。)
  • 15、His teeth wereperfectly straight.(他的牙齿非常整齐。)
  • 16、It fitsperfectly.(那正合适。)
  • 17、You actedperfectly properly in approaching me first.(你先来找我是完全对的。)
  • 18、The TV worksperfectly now.(这台电视机现在效果好极了。)
  • 19、She was tall andperfectly proportioned.(她身材高挑且十分匀称。)
  • 20、He appears aperfectly normal person.(他看上去完全是个正常的人。)
  • 21、I'mperfectly capable of doing it myself, thank you.(谢谢,我完全有能力自己做。)
  • 22、What I did wasperfectly legal.(我做的事情完全合法。)
  • 23、You knowperfectly well what I mean.(我的意思你是一清二楚的。)
  • 24、The artist has caught her smileperfectly.(艺术家惟妙惟肖地画出了她的微笑。)
  • 25、Their senses of humour meshedperfectly.(他们的幽默感配合得天衣无缝。)
  • 26、She'sperfectly safe, I can assure you.(我可以向你保证,她绝对安全。)
  • 27、You knowperfectly well what happened.(你完全清楚发生了什么。)
  • 28、It seemed aperfectly innocuous remark.(那像是一句毫无恶意的话。)
  • 29、It'sperfectly normal to feel like this.(有这样的感觉是完全正常的。)
  • 30、He seemedperfectly sane.(他看来心智非常健全。)



英 [ˈpɜ:fɪktli] 美 [ˈpɜ:rfɪktli] 
