
更新时间:2025-03-09 12:10:10



  • 1、In thevast majority of cases, this should not be a problem.(在绝大多数情况下,这应该不成问题。)
  • 2、The domain isvast.(领域广大。)
  • 3、Avast tract of land is ready for development.(一大片土地正待开发。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 4、The dictionary is avast treasure trove of information.(这本字典是一个信息的巨大宝库。)
  • 5、vast meadows stretch to the east.(辽阔的草场向东伸展。)
  • 6、Kangaroos harbour avast range of parasites.(袋鼠身上有各种各样的寄生虫。)
  • 7、Essentially it was part of avast desert.(本质上它是广阔沙漠的一部分。)
  • 8、Avast crowd turned out to watch the procession.(有一大群人出来观看游行队伍。)
  • 9、vast tracts of the country are wild and undeveloped.(这个国家有大片荒芜未开发的土地。)
  • 10、His business empire wasvast.(他的企业规模庞大。)
  • 11、In the citiesvast crowds have been demonstrating for change.(在各城市,已经有大量的群众举行示威游行要求变革。)
  • 12、The chemical companies had amalgamated into avast conglomerate.(这些化学公司已经合并成了一个巨型企业集团。)
  • 13、He stared out at thevast emptiness that was the sea.(他放眼向辽阔无际的海洋望去。)
  • 14、It absorbedvast amounts of capital that could have been used for investment.(它消耗掉了原本可以用作投资的大量资本。)
  • 15、They found themselves in avast underground chamber.(他们发现他们进入了一个地下大洞穴。)
  • 16、It is supposed to be washed down the gutter and into the city'svast sewerage system.(它应该被冲入排水沟,流入城市的巨大排污系统。)
  • 17、At dusk bats appear invast numbers.(蝙蝠于傍晚时分大批出现。)
  • 18、It's sovast, so deep, so mysterious.(它是如此广阔,如此深邃,如此神秘。)
  • 19、Thevast volcanic slope was eerily reminiscent of a lunar landscape.(巨大的火山坡很奇怪地让人想起月球上的景观。)
  • 20、A quarter of thisvast archive has been indexed and made accessible to researchers.(这批数量巨大的档案的1/4都已编了索引,可供研究者查阅。)
  • 21、The pollution has already turnedvast areas into a wasteland.(污染已使大片地区变为荒原。)
  • 22、Thevast majority of wines produced in this area are reds or rosés.(本地出产的绝大多数是红色或粉红色葡萄酒。)
  • 23、Thevast majority live further inland.(大多数人居住在更远的内陆。)
  • 24、She once ruled over avast empire.(她曾统治过一个幅员辽阔的帝国。)
  • 25、vast crowds had churned the field into a sea of mud.(大批大批的人把场地踩得一片泥泞。)
  • 26、There was avast distance between psychological clues and concrete proof.(心理线索和现实证据之间存在着巨大差距。)
  • 27、This treatment is not available in thevast majority of hospitals.(绝大部分医院都不提供这种治疗。)
  • 28、Thevast forests of West Africa have shrunk.(西非那片广袤的森林已经缩小了。)
  • 29、Development has affectedvast swathes of our countryside.(开发建设影响了乡村广大地区。)
  • 30、Thevast majority of the population lives in utter misery.(这里的人绝大多数生活在极度贫困之中。)



英 [vɑ:st] 美 [væst] 
副词: vastly 比较级: vaster 最高级: vastest 名词: vastness
