
更新时间:2024-08-27 11:49:59



  • 1、guest speaker will also present prizes to the students.(演讲嘉宾还将为学生颁奖。)
  • 2、Our specialguest tonight is...(今晚我们的嘉宾是…)
  • 3、Eachguest has her own single room, or shares, on request, a double room.(每位客人都有自己的单人房间,经要求也可共用双人间。)
  • 4、Theguest list reads like a roll-call of the nation's heroes.(客人名单念起来就像是在列数民族英雄。)
  • 5、In the west, generally theguest is not a god.(在西方,客人通常不是神。)
  • 6、Tonight we have a specialguest from a local establishment, the Parisian Cafe.(今晚我们有一位特别嘉宾,来自当地一家咖啡馆,巴黎咖啡馆。)
  • 7、May I introduce my firstguest on the show tonight...(请让我介绍一下今晚节目的第一位嘉宾…)
  • 8、The master said: 'I will run myself, and fetch theguest.'(主人说:“我自己跑腿去把客人叫来。”)
  • 9、He was aguest speaker at the conference.(他是会议的特邀演讲人。)
  • 10、Murray was aguest on a live radio show.(默里曾是一个无线电直播节目的嘉宾。)
  • 11、Mrs. Hardie hurried to make up for her tactlessness by asking herguest about his holiday.(哈迪太太赶紧问她的客人假期过得如何,以弥补此前不得体的言行。)
  • 12、Ourguest this evening is a Londoner, who lives and works in Italy.(我们今晚的客人是一个伦敦人,他在意大利生活和工作。)
  • 13、There was a mysteryguest on the programme.(节目里有位神秘嘉宾。)
  • 14、He made aguest appearance on the show.(他在这个节目里是客串出场。)
  • 15、I'll make a bargain with you. I'll play hostess if you'll include Matthew in yourguest list.(我想和你达成个协议:如果你把马修列入客人名单,我就充当女主人。)
  • 16、Princess Anne topped theguest list.(安妮公主的名字位于来宾名单之首。)
  • 17、Dr. Gerald Jeffers is theguest speaker.(杰拉尔德·杰弗斯博士是特邀演讲人。)
  • 18、She was aguest at the wedding.(她是参加婚礼的客人。)
  • 19、Myguest arrived punctually.(我的客人准时到了。)
  • 20、I thought about theguest list.(我考虑了宾客名单。)
  • 21、As aguest, you should accept their goodwill readily.(作为客人,你应该欣然接受他们的好意。)
  • 22、There was a cutaway to Jackson'sguest on the podium.(镜头切换到了台上杰克逊的一位客人。)
  • 23、He called to him to stop, but theguest pretended not to hear.(他叫他停下来,但客人假装没听见。)
  • 24、A troublesome character is far from a welcomeguest.(一个令人烦恼的人绝对不是一个受欢迎的客人。)
  • 25、Bruce Wyatt will be theguest speaker at next month's meeting.(布鲁斯•怀亚特将是下月会议上的特邀发言人。)
  • 26、He was surprised by his wife's omission from theguest list.(他对于宾客名单上他夫人名字的遗漏感到吃惊。)
  • 27、I was the only hotelguest.(我是旅馆的惟一客人。)
  • 28、Liz was not on theguest list.(利兹不在邀请之列。)
  • 29、She has been deliberately left off theguest list.(她被故意从客人名单里漏掉了。) 【好工具】
  • 30、She was too embarrassed to bring it up in front of theguest.(有客人在座,她没好意思说。)



英 [gest] 美 [ɡɛst] 
过去式: guested 过去分词: guested 现在分词: guesting 第三人称单数: guests

