


更新时间:2024-08-27 11:50:02



  • 1、She became distantly aware that the light had grownstrangely brighter and was flickering gently.(她模糊地意识到光线奇怪地变得明亮起来,轻轻摇曳着。)
  • 2、Slowly andstrangely, the place began to grow on me.(很奇怪,慢慢地这个地方越来越让我喜欢。)
  • 3、strangely, Newton became a much better student after a boy kicked him in the stomach.(奇怪的是,被一个男孩踢了肚子之后,牛顿变得更好了。)
  • 4、We all seem to agree that a college education is wonderful, and yetstrangely we worry when we see families investing so much in this supposedly essential good.(我们似乎都同意大学教育是极好的,但奇怪的是,当我们看到家庭在这个本应是必不可少的好东西上投入如此之多时,我们却感到担忧。)
  • 5、He feltstrangely exhilarated by the brisk, blue morning.(他由于一个生气勃勃、蓝色的早晨而感到奇怪地极度兴奋。)
  • 6、strangely, it was not in the water that they met.(奇怪的是,他们并不是在水里相遇的。)
  • 7、John's been acting verystrangely lately.(近来约翰的行为怪得很。)
  • 8、strangely enough, the last thing he thought of was his beloved Tanya.(真奇怪,他最后想到的是他心爱的坦尼娅。)
  • 9、Now, they were called songs of deeds becausestrangely enough, they were written to describe the heroic deeds or actions of warriors, the knights during conflicts.(现在,它们被称为行动之歌,因为奇怪的是,它们是用来描述英雄事迹或在对抗中的骑士的行为的。)
  • 10、In the absence of clear goals, we becomestrangely loyal to performing daily doings until we become slaves of them.(在缺乏明确目标的情况下,我们会奇怪地忠于执行日常的事情,直到我们成为它们的奴隶。)
  • 11、A dark,strangely amorphous shadow filled the room.(一团深色、形状怪异的影子笼罩着整个房间。)
  • 12、Miriam's voice wasstrangely calm.(米里亚姆的声音出奇地平静。)
  • 13、The house wasstrangely quiet.(房子里静得出奇。)
  • 14、strangely, some people find that they can smell one type of flower but not another.(奇怪的是,有些人发现他们能闻到一种花的香味但闻不到另一种。)
  • 15、The ball curvedstrangely in the air.(球在空中划出奇怪的弧线。)
  • 16、strangely, they hadn't invited her to join them.(令人奇怪的是,他们没邀请她参加。)
  • 17、She was acting verystrangely and I was anxious to leave.(她表现的很奇怪,因此我迫不及待地想要离开。)
  • 18、"I feelstrangely tired, Rat," said the Mole, leaning wearily over his oars as the boat drifted.(“奇怪,我感到很疲倦,兰特。”莫尔说,它有气无力地伏在桨上,由着船漂流。)
  • 19、Modigliani's women havestrangely elongated faces.(莫迪里阿尼画中的妇女都长着奇长无比的脸。)
  • 20、strangely enough, whereas in the past the inhabitants of one street all knew each other, nowadays people on the same floor in tower blocks don't even say hello to each other.(奇怪的是,过去住在同一条街上的人彼此都认识,而现在住在同一层楼的人甚至都不打招呼了。)
  • 21、She's been acting verystrangely lately.(近来她举止十分反常。)
  • 22、He looked up at the sky, flushed and glowing with thestrangely new exercise, slight as it was.(他抬头看着天空,这种奇怪的新锻炼让他脸色红润,容光焕发,尽管这项锻炼并不剧烈。)
  • 23、Victoria wasstrangely undisturbed by this symptom, even though her husband and family were frightened.(维多利亚奇怪地没有因这种症状而感到不安,尽管她的丈夫和家人都吓坏了。)
  • 24、She noticed he was actingstrangely.(她注意到他行为怪异。)
  • 25、strangely enough , I don't feel at all nervous.(真奇怪,我一点也不紧张。)
  • 26、These poems were verbally inventive and fluent, but also "strangely boring".(这些诗歌在语言上别出心裁、行文流畅,但也“异常无聊”。)
  • 27、She saw that there was indeed a man immediately behind her. Moreover, he was observing herstrangely.(她看到的确有个男人紧跟在她身后。而且,他还在怪异地观察着她。)
  • 28、Other needles were slipped into my left wrist and,strangely, into my right arm, and then into both my closed eyelids.(其他的针插进了我的左手腕,奇怪的是,又插进了我的右臂,然后又插进了我紧闭的双眼。)
  • 29、The report isstrangely silent on this issue.(很奇怪,报告对这个问题避而不谈。) hAo86.com



英 [ˈstreɪndʒli] 美 [ˈstrendʒlɪ] 
