1、The world is marching towardbrightness and progress.(世界正向着光明和进步的目标迈进。)
2、Fancy came out of the darkened room and lured him on, a thing of flamingbrightness.(幻想从漆黑的病房里出来了,像火焰一样明亮,引诱着他。)
3、Their presence filled this place with an intolerablebrightness.(他们的出现使这个地方充满了耀眼的光辉。)
4、But his night paintings don't exactly lackbrightness.(但他的夜景画并不缺乏亮度。)
5、You can usebrightness Contrast to make colours sharp.(你可以用亮度-对比度来让颜色更犀利。)
6、If your home doesn't have enough window light, get more lamps and flood the place withbrightness.(如果你的家里没有足够的窗户照明,那就多买几盏灯,让这个地方充满光明。)
7、So it was thebrightness of silver that then came to mean pure white.(因此,这个词“纯白”的含义是从银色光泽的意思演变而来的。注意是强调句。)
8、By comparison, Jupiter is one-billionth thebrightness of our sun.(作为对比,木星的亮度也只有我们的太阳的十亿分之一。)
9、Astronomers describe starbrightness in terms of magnitude and luminosity.(天文学家用星等和光度来描述恒星的亮度。)
10、Thebrightness is assigned a value: -1, 0, or + 1.(亮度被赋予一个值:-1,0,或+1。)
11、Some witnesses compared the fireball'sbrightness to the sun.(有些见证者把这个火球的亮度比作太阳。)
12、The best signal depends not only on itsbrightness but also on how well it contrasts with the background against which it must be seen.(最好的信号不仅取决于它的亮度,还取决于它与背景的对比度。)
13、Accentuate the dark frame accentuates thebrightness of the picture.(暗框使画的亮度更明显。)
14、The sun'sbrightness fluctuates over an 11-year cycle.(太阳亮度以11年为周期波动。)
15、The corpse is the focus of the composition, by its intensebrightness.(有着强烈明度,供解剖用的尸体是这幅画作的中心。)
16、Her burst of exuberance and herbrightness overwhelmed me.(她的活力勃发和她的聪明智慧征服了我。)
17、The star varies inbrightness by about three magnitudes.(星体的亮度大约分三个星等。)
18、They think ofbrightness, sunshine, all that yellow and orange.(他们想到的是光明、阳光,尽是黄色和橙色的事物。)
19、Thebrightness of a star depends on its surface temperature and size.(恒星的亮度取决于它的表面温度和大小。)
20、When one is firing, itsbrightness can exceed a thousand normal galaxies.(当一个类星体爆发时,它的亮度可以超越一千个常规的星系。)
21、It also will measure thebrightness of each laser reflection.(它还将测量每一道激光反射的光亮度。)
22、In the case of the ambulance and police car, it's more a question ofbrightness.(警车和救护车上之所以用红灯,大多是因为红灯亮度大。) haO86.com
23、The size of a star affects itsbrightness.(恒星的大小影响它的亮度。)
24、High intensities can increase the perceivedbrightness of the space.(高强度的照明可以提高空间感官上的亮度。)
25、The increase inbrightness of the x-ray sources over the same period has occurred far faster.(在同一时期内,X射线光源亮度的增加速度要快得多。)
26、The candles were now lighted--whatbrightness!(现在蜡烛都点起来了——多么明亮啊!)