
更新时间:2024-08-27 11:49:27



  • 1、The attempt was doomed tofailure.(这项尝试注定失败。)
  • 2、The whole thing was a completefailure.(整个事情彻底失败了。)
  • 3、The cause of the crash was given as enginefailure.(撞车事故的原因被认定是发动机故障。)
  • 4、A culture offailure exists in some schools.(在某些学校中存在着失败文化。)
  • 5、He was undismayed by the prospect offailure.(他对可能的失败毫不畏惧。)
  • 6、The breakdown was due to a mechanicalfailure.(抛锚是机械故障造成的。)
  • 7、Fear offailure was bred into him at an early age.(他从小就养成了对失败的恐惧。)
  • 8、Their long struggle ended infailure.(他们的长期努力以失败告终。)
  • 9、He unfairly blamed Frances for thefailure.(他不公平地把失败归咎于弗朗西丝。)
  • 10、A signalfailure contributed to the crash.(信号灯故障导致了这次撞车事故。)
  • 11、Three attempts on the 200-metre record ended infailure.(3次向200米纪录的冲击以失败告终。)
  • 12、Don't be discouraged by the firstfailure—try again!(不要因第一次失败就灰心丧气—再试一次吧!)
  • 13、She felt that herfailure would bring shame on her family.(她觉得她的失败会使家人蒙羞。)
  • 14、The prospect offailure scares me rigid.(失败的可能吓得我都僵了。)
  • 15、The play was a miserablefailure.(这部话剧是个可悲的失败。)
  • 16、Afailure would shatter the hopes of many people.(一次失败会粉碎很多人的希望。)
  • 17、The plan was doomed tofailure.(这个计划注定要失败。)
  • 18、failure can demotivate students.(失败会挫伤学生的积极性。)
  • 19、A powerfailure plunged everything into darkness.(电源故障使一切陷入黑暗。)
  • 20、These youngsters are motivated by fear offailure.(这些年轻人因担心失败而被激发。)
  • 21、Years offailure have sapped him of his confidence.(连年失败使他逐渐丧失了自信。)
  • 22、Fear offailure can become a self-fulfilling prophecy.(害怕失败可能真会导致失败。)
  • 23、Their plans seemed doomed tofailure.(看起来,他们的计划注定要失败。)
  • 24、He himself seemed totally unconscious of hisfailure.(他本人似乎完全没意识到自己的失败。)
  • 25、He was a broken man after thefailure of his business.(生意失败后他变得心灰意懒。)
  • 26、He collapsed from acute renalfailure.(他的身体因严重的肾衰竭而垮掉了。)
  • 27、Don't be frightened byfailure, son.(不要被失败吓倒了,孩子。)
  • 28、He ascribed hisfailure to bad luck.(他认为自己的失败是运气不好。)
  • 29、I felt foolish and afailure.(我自觉是个愚蠢的失败者。) [hao86.com好工具]



英 [ˈfeɪljə(r)] 美 ['feɪljər] 

