
更新时间:2025-03-09 12:09:30



  • 1、When we visited, anexhibit called The Race to the End of the Earth, was just being finished.(就在我们参观时,一件名为“通往地球尽头的竞赛”的展品刚刚完成。)
  • 2、He had kindly offered to loan us all the plants required for theexhibit.(他友好地主动提出了借给我们展览会所需的全部植物。)
  • 3、According to classroom teachers, elementary and middle school students who stay up lateexhibit more learning and attention problems.(根据课堂老师的说法,熬夜的中小学生表现出更多的学习和注意力问题。)
  • 4、Theexhibit that I want you to attend is coming up.(我想让你参加的展览马上就要到了。) (好工具hao86.com)
  • 5、This museum willexhibit the objects accumulated by unknown collectors.(这个博物馆将展出佚名收藏家收藏的物品。)
  • 6、Thisexhibit of North American plants and animals was L.L. Dyche’s collection.(这次北美动植物展览展品是L.L.Dyche的收藏品。)
  • 7、Specifically, their questions became more comprehensive at the newexhibit.(具体来说,他们在新展览上提出的问题变得更加全面了。)
  • 8、Nitrogen-deficient plantsexhibit many of the symptoms just described.(缺氮植物表现出上述的许多症状。)
  • 9、Ms. Wu fell in love with a richly decorated Ming dynasty pipa in the Metexhibit that she has not yet managed to lay hands-on, but she is determined.(吴女士最近喜欢上了一件正在大都会博物馆展出的琵琶,它装饰华丽,为中国明朝时代的产物,虽然她还没有到手,但已经下定决心买入。)
  • 10、They engaged in better inquiry at the nextexhibit—asking more questions, performing more experiments and making better interpretations of their results.(他们在接下来的展览中进行了更好的探究——问更多的问题,做更多的实验,对他们的结果做出更好的解释。)
  • 11、Theexhibit is moving on to Atlanta next month.(本展览将于下月转移到亚特兰大。)
  • 12、He has reserved a room for the photographyexhibit.(他为摄影展预定了一个房间。)
  • 13、Remember I said that at some point during this semester I wanted you to attend anexhibit at the Fairy Street Gallery and then write about it?(还记得这学期我说过让你们参加一场仙女街画廊展览之后写观后感的事吗?)
  • 14、Two cats or more in one house will alsoexhibit territorial behaviour.(两只或更多的猫在同一所房子里,也会表现出领地意识行为。)
  • 15、But some animals, after this period of exploration,exhibit behaviors that show they know they are looking at themselves.(但在探索阶段过后,某些动物的行为表明它们知道它们看见的是自己。)
  • 16、From a very early age, some childrenexhibit better self-control than others.(有些孩子在很小的时候就表现出比其他孩子更好的自我控制能力。)
  • 17、The firstexhibit was a knife which the prosecution claimed was the murder weapon.(当庭出示的第一件物证就是控方称为杀人凶器的一把刀。)
  • 18、The museum opened in 1903, and its firstexhibit was L. L. Dyche’s collection of stuffed animals.(博物馆于1903年开放,它的第一个展览是L.L.Dyche收集的动物标本。)
  • 19、I heard the recent sculptureexhibit was kind of disappointing.(我听说最近的雕塑展有点令人失望。)
  • 20、I made the reservation for the 14th. So then we went on Valentine's Day, to go and see theexhibit.(但我把时间预定到了十四号。然后我们在情人节那天去看了展览。)
  • 21、The islandersexhibit a constant happiness with life.(这些岛民表现出一种对生活的持久的幸福感。)
  • 22、They offer to let meexhibit some of my paintings here.(他们提出让我在这里展出一些我的画。)
  • 23、They provide online contexts for the social behaviors weexhibit.(它们为我们展示的社会行为提供了在线语境。)
  • 24、When you go to theexhibit, I really want you to take a close look at a certain painting.(如果你去看展览,我真的希望你能仔细看一幅画。)
  • 25、In this job you need toexhibit the wisdom of Solomon.(做这份工作需要表现出所罗门王一样的才智。)
  • 26、Some librariesexhibit children's art works from around the world.(一些图书馆展出来自世界各地的儿童艺术作品。)
  • 27、When you see your childexhibit respectful behaviour, make sure he knows just how proud you are of him.(当看到自己的孩子显示出尊重别人的行为时,你要让他知道你是多么为他感到骄傲。)
  • 28、Thisexhibit was kindly loaned by the artist's family.(这件展品是艺术家的家人惠借而展出的。)



英 [ɪgˈzɪbɪt] 美 [ɪɡˈzɪbɪt, ɛɡ-] 
形容词: exhibitory 名词: exhibitor 过去式: exhibited 过去分词: exhibited 现在分词: exhibiting 第三人称单数: exhibits

