2、Theyskip and play catch, waiting for the bell.(他们又是跳绳又是玩捉迷藏,等着铃声响。)
3、Don'tskip this part!(别跳过这个环节!)
4、She decided toskip the afternoon's class.(她决定下午的课不去上了。)
5、The boxer gave a littleskip as he came out of his corner.(那位拳击手轻快地跳出了场角。)
6、She wanted him to see herskip.(她想让他看她跳。)
7、You mayskip through a book, reading only those passages concerned.(你可以跳读一本书,只拣那些有关的段落读一下即可。)
8、We watched the childrenskip rope.(我们看孩子们跳绳。)
9、I oftenskip breakfast altogether.(我常常干脆不吃早饭。)
10、Let usskip a number of years.(让我们跳过几年。)
11、The parents want their child toskip to the second grade.(这家父母希望他们孩子能跳级到二年级。)
12、I love how exercise makes me feel, but tomorrow I mightskip the VersaClimber andskip the blueberry bar that is my usual post-exercise reward.(我喜欢运动带给我的感觉,不过明天我可能会跳过VersaClimber,也跳过蓝莓酒吧,那是通常我运动后给自己的奖赏。)
13、She did notskip but walked.(她没有跳,而是走着。)
14、Can weskip the small talk?(我们能不能跳过闲聊?)
15、Let'sskip rope.(让我们跳绳吧。)
16、He crossed the hall with a hop,skip and a jump.(他来了一个三级跳远穿过了大厅。)
17、Every day we play basketball, play football, andskip rope.(每天我们都打篮球、踢足球、跳绳。)
18、Let'sskip the formalities and get down to business.(咱们省去繁文缛节,开始讨论实质问题吧。)
19、Let'sskip over this page and turn to page 55.(我们跳过这一页,并翻到第五十五页。)
20、Weskip rope, play cards and ball and so on.(我们跳绳,打牌和球等等。)
21、I suggest weskip to the last item on the agenda.(我建议我们跳到议程的最后一项。)
22、Can youskip rope?(你会跳绳吗?)
23、If youskip breakfast, your metabolism slows down.(你如果不吃早饭,新陈代谢速度会减慢。) hao86.com
24、Do you think I could everskip like that?(你以为我能跳得像那样吗?)
25、She likes toskip rope as a warm-up.(她喜欢以跳绳来热身。)
26、I'llskip the usual preliminaries and come straight to the point.(闲话少说,我就直接进入正题。)
27、They can also playskip rope and hide-and-seek.(孩子们还可以玩跳绳和捉迷藏。)
28、When you want toskip, you use askipping rope.(你跳绳时会用到一条绳子。)
29、You might want toskip the exercises in this chapter.(你可能想把这一章的练习跳过去。)
30、She gave askip and a jump and was off down the street.(她一蹦一跳就顺着马路跑了。)