pay back造句

更新时间:2025-03-02 12:04:45


pay back造句

  • 1、You canpay back the loan over a period of three years.(你可以在三年内分期归还贷款。)
  • 2、But, mixing finances and friendship can foil a friendship if you aren't sure you canpay back what you borrow.(但是,如果你不确定什么时候能还清钱,将金钱和友谊混合起来就会破坏朋友之间的友谊。)
  • 3、And what is going to happen is that the Irish taxpayer is going to have topay back those debts.(结果是爱尔兰的纳税人最后不得不为这些债务买单。)
  • 4、We're out of money and have topay back the bank a five-million loan by Tuesday.(我们没有钱,但是到星期二我们得偿还银行五百万元的贷款。)
  • 5、Neverpay back evil with evil.(不要以恶报恶。)
  • 6、You just said you borrowed some money from your mom. Does that mean you have topay back?(你刚才说向你妈妈借前钱,是不是说你还得还哪?)
  • 7、A bond, of course, is just an IOU, a promise topay back money with interest by certain dates.(债券,当然,这只是一个借据,承诺到期归还并支付利息的纸条。)
  • 8、The fall is a sign of a slight increase in confidence in Greece's ability topay back its loans.(这个跌落也是表明希腊还贷款的信心有了些许增加。)
  • 9、Hitch up my carriage, let me ask him for longer time topay back the loan.(给我把车套好,我去求他把欠款期限延长几天。)
  • 10、She concluded she wouldpay back the exact amount on Saturday.(她决定在星期六如数偿还。)
  • 11、After his restaurant failed, Bill couldn'tpay back the money he had borrowed from the bank.(这句话的意思是:“比尔的饭馆倒闭后,他没有钱来还银行贷款。”)
  • 12、Greece is in major debt and unable topay back the money it owes.(希腊负债累累,无法偿还所欠的债款。)
  • 13、He did that topay back society.(他那样做是为了回报社会。)
  • 14、When Europe and the IMF bailed out Greece, Mr Ackermann said he doubted it wouldpay back the loans.(当欧洲和国际货币基金组织救助希腊时,阿克曼说,他怀疑希腊会偿还贷款。)
  • 15、He couldn't reasonably be expected topay back the loan all at once.(公平合理地讲,不可能指望他一下子归还全部借款。)
  • 16、He burst into tears, begging her to forgive him and swearing topay back everything he had stolen.(他突然哭了起来,求她原谅他并发誓要偿还他偷的所有东西。)
  • 17、It's something they use every day to borrow money that they plan topay back very soon.(他们每天利用应急预案向美联储借钱,然后又很快归还。)
  • 18、Once the banking system regains its strength, the banks willpay back the British people.(一旦银行体系重振旗鼓,银行将回报英国人民。)
  • 19、Consumerspay back the loans through their taxes and pocket the energy savings.(消费者通过他们的纳税来还贷,并节省了不少电费。)
  • 20、However, after she told her boss what had happened, to her surprise, the boss didn't ask her topay back the money.(然而,让她吃惊的是,当她把事情的经过告诉老板后,老板并没有要求她还钱。)
  • 21、For the Yuan family, credit card debt will take years topay back.(对于袁家,信用卡欠款将要花一年才能还清。)
  • 22、Devaluation might help exports but would also make it harder for households topay back their foreign loans.(货币贬值可能有助于出口,但这也会让许多家庭更加难以偿还国外的贷款。)
  • 23、This can yield very high rates of returns, withpay back in one year.(这样能产生高效率的能源循环使用,一年内便能收回成本。)
  • 24、This enabled her topay back her loan and buy a second phone.(她不仅还了贷款还买了第二部手机。)
  • 25、If you can'tpay back the money now, you should at least tell him when you will be able to.(如果你现在不能还钱,你至少该告诉他你什么时候能还钱。)
  • 26、Why not work out some system whereby they canpay back the debts they owe society instead of incurring another debt by going to prison and, of course, coming under the influence of hardened criminals.(为什么不制定一些制度让他们偿还欠社会的债务,而是送他们去坐牢,由此产生另外的债务,并受到惯犯的影响。)

pay back基本释义

pay back

英 [pei bæk] 美 [pe bæk] 
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