
更新时间:2024-08-27 11:55:04



  • 1、Somewitch told you that!(是某个女巫告诉你的!)
  • 2、They say she's awitch.(他们说她是个女巫。)
  • 3、The film is a spinoff from the TV series "Sabrina The Teenagewitch."(这部电影是电视连续剧《少年女巫萨布丽娜》的衍生作品。)
  • 4、It always follows awitch.(它总是跟着巫婆。)
  • 5、Oh, there's awitch.(哦,这儿有一个巫婆。)
  • 6、No morewitch jokes, okay?(别再开这种女巫玩笑了,行吗?)
  • 7、Thewitch cried: "Where are you?"(女巫叫道:“你在哪儿?”)
  • 8、The prince was turned into a frog by thewitch.(王子被女巫变成了一只青蛙。)
  • 9、The oldwitch is dead!(老巫婆死了!)
  • 10、Is this the end of the goldenwitch?(这就是金色女巫的结局吗?)
  • 11、Waiting there is awitch.(等在那里的是女巫。)
  • 12、My Mum is awitch, and I'm a wizard.(我妈妈是女巫,我是男巫。)
  • 13、The chicks eat lunch with thewitch.(小鸡们和巫婆一起吃午餐。)
  • 14、Pull me up, oldwitch!(拉我上去,老巫婆!)
  • 15、Aah! Thewitch will be burned!(啊!这个女巫会被烧死!)
  • 16、Thewitch foretold that she would marry a prince.(女巫预言她将嫁给王子。)
  • 17、Here comes awitch.(来了一个女巫。)
  • 18、Thewitch wasted no time.(那巫婆没有浪费时间。)
  • 19、Awitch never gets caught.(巫婆从未被逮住。)
  • 20、There is awitch riding a broom.(这有个骑着扫把的巫婆。) hao86.com
  • 21、Legend has it that the whole village had been cursed by awitch.(传说整座村庄遭到了巫婆的诅咒。)
  • 22、Well, is that thewitch?(那么,那是女巫吗?)
  • 23、Does thewitch have wings?(女巫有翅膀吗?)
  • 24、They say she died after awitch cast a spell on her.(人们说一个女巫对她施了魔后她就死了。)
  • 25、Thewitch was very happy.(巫婆非常高兴。)
  • 26、She's a right oldwitch!(她真是个老巫婆!)
  • 27、Awitch is always a woman.(巫婆总是个女的。)
  • 28、Thewitch pulled the rope.(女巫把绳子拉了上去。)
  • 29、It is a sobering thought that in the 17th century she could have been burned as awitch.(如果是在17世纪,她有可能被当作女巫烧死,这一点是令人深思的。)
  • 30、A queen becomes awitch.(王后变成了一个女巫。)



英 [wɪtʃ] 美 [wɪtʃ] 
形容词: witchy 名词: witchery 过去式: witched 过去分词: witched 现在分词: witching 第三人称单数: witches


