1、He seldom spoke, which caused the others tolook down on him.(他很少说话,这使得别人很轻视他。)
2、Ilook down on him.(我瞧不起他。)
3、Don'tlook down on it.(但是不要小看它。)
4、Ilook down on man who vents his anger on his family after having a bad day at work.(我瞧不起那些工作不顺心就拿家里人出气的男人。)
5、If youlook down on people and treat them badly, they'll retaliate and appear just as annoying and hostile as you expected.(如果你瞧不起别人,待他们不好,他们就会回敬你,就会像你预料的那样显得令人讨厌,充满敌意。)
6、See that you do notlook down on one of these little ones.(你们要小心,不可轻看这小子里的一个。)
7、I don't think people willlook down on you because you are serving the customers.(我认为人家不会因为你服务他们而看不起你的。)
8、They Shared all that they had, they did notlook down on anyone.(他们分享着自己拥有的一切,他们从不看低任何人。)
9、The great man's verdict: "Dogs look up to you, catslook down on you."(这位伟人的结论是:“狗敬仰你,而猫轻视你。”)
10、Away from them, on countless side streets, pedestrianslook down on rooftops on either side.(而在数不清的小街上,行人们俯视着道路两旁的屋顶。)
11、I wish you wouldn'tlook down on this kind of work.(我希望你不要看不起这种工作。)
12、People may be afraid of them,look down on them or think that they are criminals.(人们可能害怕他们、看不起他们或认为他们是罪犯。)
13、Don'tlook down on new ideas.(不要藐视新思想。)
14、We should respect others and neverlook down on them with their jobs, or disabilities.(我们应该尊重他人,永远不要因为他们的工作或身体残疾而看不起他们。)
15、Apparently, welook down on acquaintances more so than friends.(显然,比起朋友,我们更看不起熟人。)
16、Don'tlook down on people!(别小看人!)
17、Ilook down on those who eat the bread of idleness.(我看不起那些吃闲饭的人。)
18、The great Kingslook down on us from those stars.(伟大的君王们正从星星上俯视我们。) (hao86.com好工具)
19、Don'tlook down on the role women can play.(不要瞧不起妇女的作用。)