
更新时间:2024-08-27 11:54:52



  • 1、Make sure you park your car clear of theentrance.(切莫把车停在入口处。)
  • 2、Theentrance is well signposted and is in Marbury Road.(入口处在马伯里路,设有清晰的路标。) (好工具hao86.com)
  • 3、They specified a spaciousentrance hall.(他们明确要求门厅要宽敞。)
  • 4、Theentrance was camouflaged with bricks and dirt.(入口处用砖块和泥土伪装了起来。)
  • 5、The men pushed him into theentrance of a nearby building, where they choked him with his tie.(那些男人把他推进了附近一座大楼的入口处,然后在那里用他的领带将他勒死了。)
  • 6、On one side of the mainentrance there's a red plaque.(大门口的一侧有块红色匾牌。)
  • 7、Hewitt had gainedentrance to the Hall by pretending to be a heating engineer.(休伊特曾假装成供暖技师得到进入那个大厅的许可。)
  • 8、They had to post a signalman at theentrance to the tunnel.(他们不得不在隧道入口处安置一名信号员站岗。)
  • 9、Notices painted on sheets hang at everyentrance.(写在纸上的通告悬挂在每个入口处。)
  • 10、I'll meet you at the mainentrance.(我在正门见你。)
  • 11、Theentrance is on the left 200 yds. further on up the road.(入口在前方路左200码处。)
  • 12、There is noentrance fee to the gallery.(这个美术陈列馆不收门票。)
  • 13、A high gate blocks the onlyentrance to the rear.(一座高大的门挡住了通往后面的唯一入口。)
  • 14、The arch once stood alone at theentrance to the castle.(拱门曾经孤零零地矗立在城堡的入口处。)
  • 15、At twenty to six I was waiting by theentrance to the station.(6点差20分时,我在车站入口处等着。)
  • 16、They rushed theentrance and forced their way in.(他们冲向了入口并强行闯了进去。)
  • 17、The old stone cattle trough still sits by the mainentrance.(那尊古老的石制牛食槽依旧位于主要入口处。)
  • 18、Theentrance hall is littered with toys.(入口大厅里散落着玩具。)
  • 19、What is the minimumentrance requirement for this course?(这个学程的基本入学条件是什么?)
  • 20、He made a surreptitiousentrance to the club through the little door in the brick wall.(他从砖墙的小门偷偷进入俱乐部。)
  • 21、Thisentrance is in constant use.(此入口经常使用。)
  • 22、He was about to sit for hisentrance exam.(当时他正要参加入学考试。)
  • 23、Many students have insufficient science and mathematics background to gainentrance to engineering school.(许多学生没有足够的科学和数学知识背景得到进入工程学院的许可。)
  • 24、He was punctilious about being ready and waiting in theentrance hall exactly on time.(他拘于礼数地准备妥当,按时在门厅的入口处等候。)
  • 25、There were people at theentrance giving out leaflets.(有人在入口处分发传单。)
  • 26、He stood squarely in front of them, blocking theentrance.(他就对着他们站在那里,挡住入口。)
  • 27、I called her from a public phone booth near theentrance to the bar.(我在酒吧入口附近的一个公用电话亭给她打了电话。)
  • 28、Theentrance to the train station was closed off following the explosion.(爆炸发生后随即封锁了火车站入口。)
  • 29、A lighthouse marks theentrance to the harbour.(灯塔是进入海港航道的标志。)



英 [ˈentrəns] 美 [ˈentrəns] 
副词: entrancingly 名词: entrancement 过去式: entranced 过去分词: entranced 现在分词: entrancing 第三人称单数: entrances


