1、Don't try tofrighten us with your technological worries.(别用你对技术的担忧吓唬我们。)
2、And they often used a spear tofrighten sparrows.(他们两还常常用矛恐吓麻雀。)
3、Similarly, the need to learn a new language and customs may excite one person andfrighten another.(同样,学习一门新的语言和风俗习惯的需求可能会使某个人感到兴奋而另一个人感到害怕。)
4、An aggressive bear will usually rush forward tofrighten away its enemy but would suddenly stop at the last minute.(一只具有攻击性的熊通常会冲上前去吓跑它的敌人,但在最后一分钟会突然停下来。)
5、He keeps them secret so that other boys won't find their holes andfrighten them.(他替它们保守秘密,这样,其他的男孩就不会发现他们的巢穴,并吓着他们了。)
6、Dare not boast of good,frighten posterity never boast become don't talk.(敢说大话的人得不到好下场,吓得后人从不说大话变成不说话。)
7、frighten me to jump!(吓我一跳!) Hao86.com
8、Cockroaches are the insects thatfrighten me most.(蟑螂是最让我害怕的昆虫。)
9、I didn't want tofrighten the child.(可我不想吓到孩子。)
10、I could point at all those layoff statistics. Or I couldfrighten you by bringing up the specter of your job going overseas.(我可以指出所有那些裁员的数据。或者,我可以提出你去海外工作这一幽灵来吓唬你。)
11、And I defy you to hurt him when I am by, and I defy you tofrighten me!(当我在旁边的时候,我不怕你伤害他,我也不怕你吓唬我!)
12、She knew what to ask and how to ask it in a way that didn'tfrighten me.(她懂得问什么和怎样问,问的方式不会吓住我。)
13、All this was just designed tofrighten me and keep me in line.(所有这一切只是设计来吓唬我、让我守规矩。)
14、I want tofrighten him.(我也要吓唬他。)
15、Fairground rides are intended tofrighten the life out of you.(露天游乐场的飞车就是要把你们吓得魂不附体。)
16、He would neverfrighten anyone or cause them any harm.(他永远不会吓唬或伤害任何人。)
17、"Ifrighten them to death," she says.(“我把他们到吓死了。”她说。)
18、He knew that Soli was trying tofrighten him, so he smiled to hide his fear.(他知道索利想吓唬他,因此微笑着掩饰自己的恐惧。)
19、Yet aftershocksfrighten residents and complicate rescue efforts.(但是余震令当地居民感到恐慌并使救援工作变的复杂。)
20、The young prince said, "all this shall notfrighten me. I will go and see this Briar Rose."(年轻的王子说:“这一切都吓不倒我。我要去看看这个玫瑰公主。”)
21、It is meant tofrighten off evil spirits.(目的是想吓走阴魂鬼神。)
22、Dummy patrol cars will be set up beside motorways tofrighten speeding motorists.(仿真巡逻车将被安置在公路旁以威慑超速行驶的驾驶员。)
23、New behaviors canfrighten the people observing them, so introduce them slowly.(新的行为会惊吓到那些观察到他们的人,所以要慢慢的采用新行为。)
24、Don't let fitnessfrighten you!(不要被健身吓到了!)
25、This canfrighten criminals away if they realize there's a number stamped on it.(如果罪犯意识到上面印有一个数字,这可以吓跑他们。)
26、Sorry, I didn't mean tofrighten you.(对不起,我没有吓唬你的意思。)
27、You mean tofrighten me, Mr. Darcy, by coming in all this state to hear me?(达西先生,你这样走过来听,莫不是想吓唬我?)
28、frighten She wasfrightened to look down from the top of the tall building.(她害怕从高楼的顶端往下看。)