更新时间:2025-03-09 12:14:02
- 1、Williams will be reevaluated on aweekly basis, with surgery a possible option.(威廉姆斯将在每周被重新评估,必要时可能会动手术。)
- 2、In November, it will start fortnightly publication, and in January it goesweekly.(从11月开始,它将每月出版两次,到了1月则每周1次。)
- 3、At the end of eachweekly lesson, he would always say the same thing.(在每周一次的课后,他总是会说同样的话。)
- 4、You can be paid in cashweekly or by cheque monthly; those are the two alternatives.(你的工资可以按周以现金支取,或按月以支票支取。二者可选其一。)
- 5、The publishers planned to produce the journal on aweekly basis.(出版社计划将这份杂志做成周刊。)
- 6、The town made aweekly collection of refuse.(该镇每周收一次垃圾。)
- 7、He has submitted a bid to resuscitate theweekly magazine, which closed in April with losses of $1 million a year.(他已经竞标以使由于100万美元1年的损失于4月份停刊了的那个周刊起死回生。)
- 8、I do aweekly shop at the supermarket.(我一周上超市一次。)
- 9、The menu changesweekly and usually includes a vegan option.(这份菜单每周变化,而且通常包括纯素菜肴供选择。)
- 10、Benefit is calculated on the basis of averageweekly earnings.(补助金按平均周收入计算。)
- 11、Employees are paidweekly.(雇员按周领工资。)
- 12、Next week they will swap places and will repeat the switchweekly.(下周他们将互换位置,以后将每周换一次。)
- 13、Lon and I play in the sameweekly poker game.(朗与我每周玩一次扑克牌。)
- 14、Each course comprises 10-12 informalweekly meetings.(每门课程包括10至12次每周1次的非正式见面会。)
- 15、Of course, in addition to myweekly pay, I got a lot of tips.(当然,除了周薪外,我还得到很多小费。)
- 16、We had to hold theweekly meeting as scheduled.(我们不得不如期举行周会。)
- 17、It is easy for families to run out of money before theweekly giro arrives.(每周直接转账救济支票还未到钱便花光的情况许多家庭都容易出现。)
- 18、Theweekly rent on the car was over $200.(这辆汽车每周的租金是200多元。)
- 19、Theweekly meeting enables employees to air their grievances.(周会可以让雇员诉说他们的委屈。)
- 20、I mean, they've been filing theweekly progress reports with me.(我的意思是,他们一直都有向我提交每周的进度报告。)
- 21、Theweekly rent is the same irrespective of whether there are three or four occupants.(无论三个还是四个人住,周租金不变。)
- 22、The group meets on a regular basis, usuallyweekly or biweekly.(该小组定期会面,通常每周或每两周一次。)
- 23、I have to provideweekly reports to my line manager.(我必须每周向部门经理汇报。)
- 24、We are doing aweekly poll on the president, and clearly his popularity has declined.(我们正在对总统进行每周一次的民意测验,很显然他的受欢迎度已经下降了。)
- 25、The Tundra Times, aweekly newspaper in Alaska, ceased publication this week.(阿拉斯加的周报——《苔原时报》于本周停刊。)
- 26、Few things distracted the pastor from the preparation of hisweekly sermons.(几乎没有什么事情使该牧师从他每周布道的准备中分心。) hAo86.com
- 27、Averageweekly earnings rose by 1.5% in July.(平均周薪7月份上涨了1.5%。)
- 28、The newspaper is published twiceweekly.(这份报纸每周出版两次。)
英 [ˈwi:kli] 美 [ˈwikli]
名词复数: weeklies