1、All night long you must sing to me, and my thorn mustpierce your heart, and your life-blood must flow into my veins, and become mine.(你必须整夜对我歌唱,我的刺必须刺穿你的心,你的生命之血必须流进我的血管,成为我的血液。)
2、"Yeah, I think I'm still ready,"pierce says.(“是的,我认为我还是准备着要,”皮尔斯说。)
3、Courtney's mom, Beth, says she found out Courtney andpierce were dating by accident.(考特尼的母亲贝丝说她是碰巧发现女儿与皮尔斯交往的。)
4、The note inside the bottle said, "Return to 419 Ocean Street and receive a reward of $150 from Richard and Tinapierce, owners of the Beachcomber Motel."(瓶子里的纸条写着:“返还给海洋街419号,就能收到理查德和蒂娜·皮尔斯夫妇150美元的奖励,他们是海滩流浪者汽车旅馆的老板。”)
5、pierce also shows that there are fewer heavy smokers in each new generation.(皮尔斯的研究结果同时显示,在每一代人中,烟瘾大的人数都在减少。)
6、pierce notifies his agents that they are to detain Jack.(皮尔斯向他手下的特工通报,他们需要扣留杰克。)
7、"There's no way on earth that genes from an alga should work inside an animal cell," says Sidneypierce from the University of South Florida.(来自南佛罗里达大学的西德尼·皮尔斯说:“在地球上,藻类的基因不可能在动物细胞内起作用。”)
8、Old Mother Adams next door couldn'tpierce her daughter's thoughts.(隔壁的亚当斯老大妈看不透女儿的心思。)
9、Paulpierce has three good ways to learn English songs.(保罗·皮尔斯有3种学唱英语歌的好方法。)
10、pierce went to the gym to work out yesterday.(pierce昨天去健身房健身了。)
11、said Paulpierce,a DJ at China Radio International.(中国国际广播电台流行音乐节目主持人保罗.皮尔斯说。)
12、He willpierce his eyes through a golden cage.(他将刺破金笼中的双目。)
13、Conservative cartoonists are struggling topierce Mr Obama's armour.(保守派漫画家正在努力刺穿奥巴马的保护甲。)
14、He struck straight through the forest, hoping topierce to a road presently, but he was disappointed in this.(他径直穿过森林,希望很快就能找到一条路,但他失望了。)
15、Testud lost in straight sets to countrywoman Marypierce.(泰斯图德连续几盘输给了女同胞玛丽•皮尔斯。)
16、MARYpierce: Definitely, it's a good feeling.(皮尔斯:的确,这种感觉真好。)
17、A tap on the door interrupted him and Sallypierce came in.(轻轻的敲门声打断了他,萨莉•皮尔斯进来了。)
18、They failed topierce the Liverpool defence.(他们未能突破利物浦队的防线。)
19、pierce is to take any appropriate action.(皮尔斯安排了适当的行动。)
20、Remember that whenpierce calls her, he's always impersonating someone.(记得当pierce给她打电话时,他总是模仿其他人的声音。)
21、"The transition is very scary, " family therapist Jeremypierce says.(家庭治疗师杰里.米皮尔斯说“对孩子而言,这个变化是有点可怕的。)
22、Thanks to Guypierce.(感谢盖伊·皮尔。)
23、The worker tried topierce a hole in a piece of leather.(工人设法在一块皮革上打一个洞。)
24、Buffington flew to New Hampshire to deliver the message to Paulapierce.(布芬顿飞往新罕布什尔,向波拉·皮尔斯传达了这一信息。) haO86.com
25、The little old man asked, more and more worried as he tried topierce the faraway shadows.(矮小的老人问,当他试图穿透远处的阴影时,他越来越担心。)
26、Secret Service Agentpierce helps Jack secure the building.(特勤处特工皮尔斯帮助杰克将酒店保护起来。)
27、The company hired the President's special trade representative to lobby Mr.pierce.(公司雇用了总统的特别商业顾问去游说皮尔斯先生。)
28、Make sure that you do notpierce the skin when boning the chicken thighs.(给鸡腿去骨时,确保不要刺破皮。)
29、"Law and accountancy firms in the Caribbean country have been busy restructuring funds, "said Ingridpierce.(“这个加勒比海国家的律师事务所和会计师事务所都在忙着基金重组。”英格丽·皮尔斯说。)
30、pierce doused Celtics coach Doc Rivers with red Gatorade.(皮尔斯把红色的加德乐饮料浇向凯尔特人主教练道格·里弗斯(DocRivers)。)