
更新时间:2024-08-27 11:53:09



  • 1、money can't buy you happiness.(金钱不能为你买到幸福。)
  • 2、Heaven knows they have enoughmoney.(确实他们有足够的钱。)
  • 3、Here's themoney I promised you.(这是我答应给你的钱。)
  • 4、I ain't got nomoney.(我没有钱。)
  • 5、money isn't everything.(金钱不是最重要的。)
  • 6、I've got loads ofmoney.(我有许多钱。)
  • 7、We had ourmoney stolen.(我们的钱被偷掉了。)
  • 8、He's very tight with hismoney.(他花钱很抠门儿。)
  • 9、money is not an issue.(钱不是问题。)
  • 10、money is not essential to happiness.(金钱对于幸福并非必不可少。)
  • 11、The problem comes down tomoney.(这个问题主要涉及到钱的问题。)
  • 12、He has lost all hismoney.(他失去了所有的钱。)
  • 13、You can keep your rottenmoney!(你就留着你的臭钱吧!)
  • 14、He's always flashing hismoney around.(他总是在炫耀他的金钱。)
  • 15、They've invested theirmoney wisely.(他们明智地把钱做了投资。)
  • 16、How muchmoney can I afford?(我能出得起多少钱?)
  • 17、money means nothing to him.(金钱对于他来说毫无价值。)
  • 18、'How much (money) does she earn?(“她挣多少(钱)?”)
  • 19、They had a quarrel aboutmoney.(他们为钱吵了一架。)
  • 20、They argue continually aboutmoney.(他们没完没了地为钱争吵。)
  • 21、He desperately neededmoney.(他急需钱。)
  • 22、She's always been mean withmoney.(她在花钱方面总是非常吝啬。)
  • 23、money is my motivation.(金钱就是我的动力。)
  • 24、money is my biggest bugbear.(钱是我最大的顾虑。)
  • 25、I've spent all mymoney already.(我已经把我的钱全都花完了。)
  • 26、I've divided themoney in half.(我把钱平均分成了两半。)
  • 27、Half of themoney was mine.(那些钱有一半是我的。)
  • 28、They were earning bigmoney.(他们在赚大钱。)
  • 29、Who's themoney for?(这是给谁的钱?)
  • 30、It's all aboutmoney these days.(如今谈的就是钱。)



英 [ˈmʌni] 美 [ˈmʌni] 
名词复数: moneys
