
on display造句

on display造句

更新时间:2024-08-27 11:52:46


on display造句

  • 1、If you have a chance, do visit the Auckland Museum because they have the last surviving "birdman" kiteon display.(如果你有机会,一定要去奥克兰博物馆,因为那里有最后一个幸存的“鸟人”风筝展览。)
  • 2、Self-driving shuttles and solar cars wereon display at the 2014 show.(无人驾驶汽车和太阳能汽车在这次2014年展览上展出。)
  • 3、The forearm and torch of the Statue of Liberty wereon display at the Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia, 1876.(1876年,自由女神像的前臂和火炬在费城百年博览会上展出。) hAo86.com
  • 4、The patience and good humouron display are astounding.(他们展现的耐心跟良好态度都是惊人的。)
  • 5、Designs for the new sports hall areon display in the library.(新体育馆的设计图展示在图书馆里。)
  • 6、They were hers, as was everything elseon display.(它们就是她的,就像除此以外那些陈列的东西一样。)
  • 7、Most of the other artists whose work ison display were his pupils or colleagues.(其他有作品展出的艺术家大多数是他的学生或同事。)
  • 8、Not yet, but look for iton display this time next year.(暂时还没有,但有望在下一年的这个时候展出。)
  • 9、The latest models will beon display at the motor show.(最新的车型将会在这次汽车展上展出。)
  • 10、That’s the lessonon display at Intel.(这就是在英特尔为我们展示的经验。)
  • 11、Masterpieces by Dutch artists such as Rembrandt, Bruegel, Van Gogh and others areon display at the Van Gogh Museum, Rembrandt House and others.(伦勃朗、勃鲁盖尔、梵高等荷兰艺术家的杰作在梵高博物馆、伦勃朗故居等地展出。)
  • 12、Luxury brands will beon display with their latest collections.(此外,意大利奢侈品牌也将在馆内进行展示。)
  • 13、The antiqueson display are all marked with dates.(展出的古代文物都标明了年代。)
  • 14、Many are nowon display at Palazzo Barbaran.(当中许多图纸现在正在巴巴洛宫展出。)
  • 15、In the case of a major collection, there are probably more workson display than we could realistically view in weeks or even months.(在主要的收藏中,展出的作品可能比我们在几周甚至几个月内实际看到的还要多。)
  • 16、Even the artworkon display has fallen under the spotlight.(甚至是这幅展出的艺术品也引起了人们的注意。)
  • 17、The old witch put her worst mannerson display.(老巫婆却露出了她最丑陋的仪态。)
  • 18、Any valuable photo or paper-based documenton display should be protected by a preservation-quality mat and frame.(展示的任何有价值的照片或纸质文件都应该保藏在能保证保存质量的垫子或框格里。)
  • 19、The specimen, complete with surrounding rock, had beenon display for the past 50 years at a museum in Poland, but amazingly no one had spotted the footprint.(这个标本连同周围的岩石,在过去的50年里一直在波兰的一家博物馆陈列,但令人惊讶的是,从未有人发现这个脚印。)
  • 20、The furnitureon display here is not for sale, but just out of curiosity, how much would you offer?(这里展出的家具并不出售,但只是出于好奇,你会出多少钱?)
  • 21、Robots built by teenagers wereon display.(由青少年制造的机器人也在展出之列。)
  • 22、on display in a showroom in Tokyo are versions of the famous feline in everything from tiny earrings to melon-sized figurines.(在东京的一个陈列室里展出的是各种各样的著名的猫件,从小耳环到瓜型的小雕像都有。)
  • 23、There is oneon display beside the painting.(这也是除了画作以外的一种展品。)
  • 24、The bottles of whiskyon display are all dummies.(所陈列的威士忌酒都是假的。)
  • 25、His pictures areon display at the art gallery.(他的绘画现陈列在美术馆中。)
  • 26、There are a great number of cultural relicson display in the Forbidden City.(有许多件文物在故宫展出。)

on display基本释义

on display

英 [ɔn disˈplei] 美 [ɑn dɪˈsple] 
展览; 公开展出