
更新时间:2024-12-15 12:09:48



  • 1、Thenight lantern glowed softly in the darkness.(夜灯在黑暗中发出微弱的光。)
  • 2、Four deafening explosions shattered the stillness of thenight air.(4声震耳欲聋的爆炸打破了夜空的宁静。)
  • 3、A storm packing 75 mph winds swept across the area lastnight.(昨晚暴风雨夹带着每小时75英里的狂风横扫本地。)
  • 4、The guidebook warns against walking alone atnight.(这本指南告诫夜间不要单独行走。)
  • 5、She turned and walked off into thenight.(她转过身去,走进黑夜里。)
  • 6、He started havingnight sweats.(他开始夜间盗汗。)
  • 7、He hustled several daytime jobs and finished his education atnight.(他骗得了几份白班工作,利用晚上完成了学业。)
  • 8、She peered out into the blackness of thenight.(她凝视着外面黑沉沉的夜色。)
  • 9、He acquired a law degree by taking classes atnight.(他通过上晚上的课获得了法律学位。)
  • 10、They stayed talking until well into thenight.(他们待在那儿一直谈到深夜。)
  • 11、In Denver late-night taxis are elusive and far from cheap.(在丹佛,深夜出租车很难找,而且绝不便宜。)
  • 12、The Jewish feast of Passover began lastnight.(犹太人的宗教节日逾越节昨晚开始了。)
  • 13、Election results flowed in throughout thenight.(整夜不断传来选举的结果。)
  • 14、night temperatures can drop below 15 degrees Celsius.(夜间温度可能会降到15摄氏度以下。)
  • 15、The Palace lastnight refused to comment on the reports.(昨晚王室拒绝对报道作出评论。)
  • 16、Atnight, lights twinkle in distant cabins across the valleys.(晚上,灯光在山谷对面远处的小木屋里闪烁。)
  • 17、He has recurring flashbacks to thenight his friends died.(他脑海中反复重现他的朋友们死去的那个夜晚。)
  • 18、Do your ankles swell atnight?(你的脚踝晚上会肿吗?)
  • 19、Stephen checked on her several times during thenight.(斯蒂芬夜间察看了她几次。)
  • 20、Sharon tells the story of thatnight with self-deprecating humour.(沙伦以自嘲幽默的口吻讲述那一夜的故事。)
  • 21、Atnight, danger lurks in these streets.(夜晚这些街上隐藏着危险。)
  • 22、She supplements her meagre income by cleaning atnight.(她靠夜间做清洁工来补充其微薄的收入。)
  • 23、Luke's footsteps receded into thenight.(卢克的脚步声渐渐消失在夜色中。)
  • 24、There were ugly scenes in the streets lastnight as rioting continued.(昨晚暴乱持续之际,街上险象环生。)
  • 25、Fisher was behind bars lastnight, charged with attempted murder.(由于被指控犯有谋杀未遂罪,费希尔昨晚进了监狱。)
  • 26、The heating goes off atnight.(暖气夜间停止供热。)
  • 27、Hurricane Andrew was lastnight heading into the Gulf of Mexico.(安德鲁飓风昨晚进入墨西哥湾。)
  • 28、Lastnight he issued a statement denying the allegations.(昨天晚上,他发表了一项声明否认那些说法。)
  • 29、Your time could be usefully employed in attendingnight classes.(你的时间可以被有效地利用来上夜课。)
  • 30、The Kings were thrashed by the Knicks lastnight.(国王队昨晚被尼克斯队轻松击败。)



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