更新时间:2025-03-09 12:11:59
- 1、Theverb 'rely' takes the preposition 'on'.(动词rely需要和介词on连用。)
- 2、In 'She wrote a letter', theverb 'wrote' is transitive and the word 'letter' is the direct object.(在Shewrotealetter一句中,动词wrote是及物动词,letter一词是直接宾语。)
- 3、How does thisverb conjugate?(这个动词有哪些词形变化?)
- 4、See page 20 (verb pattern 13).(参看第20页(动词句型13)。)
- 5、In 'She became angry', theverb 'became' is a linkingverb.(在Shebecameangry一句中,动词became为连系动词。)
- 6、Theverb is being used intransitively.(这个动词此处的用法是不及物的。)
- 7、I want you to think of service as averb.(我想让你把服务当做一个动词来思考。)
- 8、In 'Ben likes school', theverb 'like' is in the indicative.(在Benlikesschool中,动词like是陈述语气。)
- 9、Theverb should be in the plural.(这个动词应该用复数形式。)
- 10、'I have eaten' is the present perfect tense of theverb 'to eat', 'I had eaten' is the past perfect and 'I will have eaten' is the future perfect.(Ihaveeaten是动词eat的现在完成时;Ihadeaten是过去完成时;Iwillhaveeaten是将来完成时。)
- 11、"Tennis" is the object of theverb "play" in the phrase "play tennis".(在“打网球”这个短语中,“网球”是动词“打”的宾语。)
- 12、Theverb 'die' as in 'He died suddenly', is intransitive.(Hediedsuddenly中的动词die是不及物的。)
- 13、In 'He was driving the car', theverb is active.(在Hewasdrivingthecar一句中,动词是主动语态。)
- 14、In 'walk slowly', the adverb 'slowly' modifies theverb 'walk'.(在walkslowly中,副词slowly修饰动词walk。)
- 15、In 'Tom likes jazz', the singularverb 'likes' agrees with the subject 'Tom'.(在Tomlikesjazz一句中,动词单数形式likes与主语Tom一致。)
- 16、In the sentence 'They live in the country', the plural form of theverb 'live' is in agreement with the plural subject 'they'.(在Theyliveinthecountry一句中,动词复数形式live与复数主语they一致。)
- 17、In the phrase 'you are', theverb 'are' is in the second person and the word 'you' is a second-person pronoun.(在短语youare中,动词are是第二人称形式,而单词you是第二人称代词。)
- 18、The word is compounded of a preposition and averb.(这个词是由一个介词和一个动词复合而成的。)
- 19、Theverb should be in the singular.(这个动词应当用单数形式。)
- 20、The subject of a sentence and itsverb must agree in number.(句子的主语和动词的数必须一致。)
- 21、In 'while I was washing my hair', theverb is in the imperfect.(whileIwaswashingmyhair中的动词是过去未完成时。)
- 22、Theverb is in the subjunctive.(这个动词是虚拟语气。)
- 23、In 'He cut himself', 'cut' is a reflexiveverb and 'himself' is a reflexive pronoun.(在Hecuthimself一句中,cut是反身动词,himself是反身代词。)
- 24、In 'Go away!' theverb is in the imperative.(Goaway!中的动词是祈使语气动词。) hao86.com
- 25、The word "accept" is averb.(“接受”这个词是个动词。)
- 26、Theverb is being used transitively.(这个动词在此用作及物动词。)
- 27、Theverb 'grow' is ergative because you can say 'She grew flowers in her garden' or 'Flowers grew in her garden'.(grow为作格动词,因为既可以说Shegrewflowersinhergarden,也可以说Flowersgrewinhergarden.)
- 28、'They are' is the third person plural of theverb 'to be'.(theyare是动词tobe的第三人称复数形式。)
- 29、Make sure that you underline everyverb throughout the entire page.(记住在这一页上的所有动词下面划线。)
- 30、The phrasalverb 'tear up' is separable because you can say 'She tore the letter up' or 'She tore up the letter'.(*tearup是可以分开的短语动词,因为既可以说Shetoretheletterup,又可以说Shetoreuptheletter。)
英 [vɜ:b] 美 [vɜ:rb]