1、Cotton aprons and handbags with theChinese character "yu" meaning prison has appealed to the Japanese.(日前,一种印有"狱"字标志的棉质围裙和手提袋在日本流行起来。)
2、One toolbar includes enhanced location detection and the other optimizes the toolbar for theChinese character set.(一个工具条强化了位置侦测,而另一个工具条则针对中文字符集做了优化。)
3、EveryChinese character is a story.(每一个汉字都是一个故事。)
4、WhichChinese character would you choose to sum up the past year?(你会选择哪个汉字来总结过去的一年?)
5、Instruction ofChinese character is an important part but a weakness part in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language.(汉字教学是对外汉语教学中的重要环节,同时也是对外汉语教学中的薄弱环节。)
6、The aesthetic foundation ofChinese character rhetoric in the riddle.(字谜中汉字修辞的美学基础。)
7、EachChinese character is composed of a number of strokes.(每个汉字都由一定的笔画组成。)
8、The implementations ofChinese character operating system and relational data base system on microcomputers are discussed in this paper.(本文论述了如何在微机上实现汉字操作系统及关系数据库系统。)
9、Some say this behavior reflects the bad traits of theChinese character, such as a flock mentality.(有人说这种行为反映了中国人不好的性格品质,比如聚群随大流。)
10、The work presented in this paper will facilitateChinese character processing on microcomputers.(这两个系统解决了在微型机上方便地应用汉字的问题。)
11、A studentpractices writing theChinese character xue, which means to study or to learn(学生练习书写汉字“学”。“学”即“学习”之意。)
12、Maddie: Months of classes. If you look here near the entrance, you'll see theChinese character for jade.(曼蒂:上了几个月的课。如果来看入口的附近,你会看到玉这个字的中文。)
13、Chinese character; graphic creative; logo design.(汉字;图形创意;标志设计。) hao86.com
14、Symbols, especially theChinese character symbols have very close relations with education.(符号,尤其是汉字符号与教育有着非常密切的联系。)
15、Will theChinese character '8' boost the already high prices of Lafite?(中文数字“八”会让拉菲葡萄酒业已不菲的价格进一步飙升吗?)
16、To sum up theChinese character is not easy.(概括中国人的性格并不容易。)
17、Effect ofChinese character rhetoric in the riddle.(字谜中汉字修辞的效果。)
18、This leads to non-support for the double-byte character input/output used by the Japanese, Korean, andChinese character sets.(这并不支持由日本,韩国,以及中国字符集使用的双字节字符的输入/输出。)
19、The second heart is made of jade and has theChinese character "Fu".(第二颗心是刻有中国汉字“福”字的玉坠。)
20、Individual features:Chinese character input speed, 70 to 80 words per minute.(个人特长:汉字录入速度快,70至80字每分钟。)
21、A programming language suitable toChinese character information processing is presented in this paper.(本文提出一个适用汉字信息处理的程序语言。)
22、The sign on it likeChinese character"Tiger", to match the yellow background, liked an ancient flag as far.(上面那个图形有些象汉字的“虎”呢,配上这黄色的底,远看很象古代的令旗呢。)