
clean the living room造句

clean the living room造句

更新时间:2025-03-09 22:16:27


clean the living room造句

  • 1、He bade the servantclean the living room.(他吩咐佣人清理客厅。)
  • 2、If you have to find a new apartment, sell a house, paint the living room, make repairs, clean out closets - you name it - you can do so now.(如果你要找新房子,卖房子,粉刷客厅,修缮房间,换个壁橱,现在是做这些事的时候。) hAo86.com
  • 3、Location good, room very clean and spacious, although the living room is the street can be almost silent room, breakfast variety is also very rich.(酒店位置很好,房间也很干净宽敞,虽然住的是临街的房间,可室内一点声音都没有,早餐品种也非常丰富。)
  • 4、I need toclean the living room for the coming party.(我需要为即将来临的晚会打扫一下客厅。)
  • 5、No, you can't, you need toclean the living room.(不行,你得把客厅收拾干净了。)
  • 6、Please take good care of room, furniture, electrical equipments and sanitary facilities. Please keep the room and living environment clean.(外国专家要爱护房间、家具、电器和卫生设施,保持室内卫生清洁,生活环境整洁。)
  • 7、And then the other things: dogs in the streets, whole families in Soweto living in one room a kilometre from clean water.(然后还有其他的一些:街上的狗,索维托地区一大家人挤在离干净水源一千米的屋里。)
  • 8、I have toclean the living room.(我必须打扫客厅。)
  • 9、He says to the centipede, “Goclean the living room .”(他跟蜈蚣说:“去打扫客厅。”)
  • 10、It can be something as simple as "Joe walks into the bar" or "Sharon starts to clean up the cluttered living room."(比如“乔走进了酒吧”或“莎伦开始清理凌乱的客厅”。)
  • 11、Could you please move the big chairs to the bedroom andclean the living room?(请你把大椅子搬到卧室里,并且打扫起居室好吗?)
  • 12、In many Chinese households, alas, the bathroom and kitchen seem not even to count as parts of the apartment. This attitude is regrettable, I think; they should be as clean as the living room!(而在很多中国人的家里,唉,卫生间和厨房似乎算不上房子的一部分,我觉得这种态度令人遗憾,这些地方应该像客厅一样干净。)
  • 13、After you finish washing your face, you notice the mess in the living room or the kitchen. Maybe you had guests last night and didn't want to clean up.(洗完脸,你发现起居室或厨房一团乱麻,也许昨晚来了客人,你也不想打扫了。)

clean the living room基本释义