
更新时间:2024-08-27 23:53:56



  • 1、God was waiting tocleanse them; and the moment their faith began to work, the blessing came.(神等待去洁净他们,只消他们的信心一开始活动,祝福就来了。)
  • 2、The quality stages within the DataStage cancleanse the data and remove erroneous records.(DataStage中的qualitystage可以清洗数据,移除错误的记录。)
  • 3、cleanse: Standardization, merging, and correcting master information.(清理:对主数据进行标准化、合并和纠正。)
  • 4、cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.(求你用牛膝草洁净我,我就干净,求你洗涤我,我就比雪更白。)
  • 5、In part five of this series, I will write about the popular livercleanse in more detail.(在这一系列等等第五部分,我会详细介绍这些受欢迎的排毒疗法。)
  • 6、Purge! Purge your model tocleanse it of unused textures and components.(PURGE!删除模型中不用的材质和组件。)
  • 7、Catherine demonstrated the proper way tocleanse the face.(凯瑟琳演示了洁面的正确方法。)
  • 8、Right after your last cigarette, your body will begin tocleanse itself of tobacco toxins.(在最后一根香烟后,你的身体将马上开始清除烟草毒素。)
  • 9、Wearing white helps tocleanse the mind and purify the spirit.(穿着白色能净化头脑和纯洁心灵。)
  • 10、If these are key to the problem in question you will not be able to use XSLT tocleanse the files.(如果这些内容对解决问题很重要,就不能使用XSLT清理文件。)
  • 11、We use data quality tools to profile andcleanse bad data.(我们使用数据质量工具来配置和清洗错误数据。)
  • 12、All they drink is mastercleanse and laxative tea.(他们喝的饮料都是柠檬水和泻药茶。)
  • 13、When you forgive, you open the channels for trust and unconditional love. Youcleanse your heart.(宽恕别人,就打开了信任和无条件关爱的渠道,静化了自已的心灵。)
  • 14、Christ was a Divine Being who had sacrificed his life tocleanse the world of sin.(基督是神,牺牲了他的生命清洗世人的罪。)
  • 15、Wash me throughly from mine iniquity, andcleanse me from my sin.(求你将我的罪孽洗除净尽并洁除我的罪。)
  • 16、You braided dried sage and burned it tocleanse your energy field.(你编织干燥的鼠尾草并燃烧它来净化你的能量场。)
  • 17、Take the Levites from among the children of Israel, andcleanse them.(你从以色列人中选出利未人来,洁净他们。)
  • 18、Japanese women, for example, don't justcleanse their faces once but twice.(例如,日本女性不是只洗一次脸、而是要洗两次。)
  • 19、What does he have tocleanse the conscience of?(他必须清除良心中的什么呢?)
  • 20、You should always validate andcleanse the input on the server side.(您应该总是在服务器端验证并清洁输入。)
  • 21、Some quiet time with nature cancleanse away the noise and tech pollution which chokes our lives.(静静的聆听大自然,净化生活中的喧闹和充斥生活的科技污染。)
  • 22、cleanse your body.(洁净你的身体。)
  • 23、In this case, drinking water frequently can helpcleanse the mouth.(在这种情况下,经常喝水可以帮助清洁口腔。)



英 [klenz] 美 [klɛnz] 
过去式: cleansed 过去分词: cleansed 现在分词: cleansing 第三人称单数: cleanses

v.使 ... 清洁;净化;使 ... 纯洁