


更新时间:2025-03-09 22:15:31



  • 1、They allow those subdivided pieces to be given logical andcomprehensible names, so they can be competently manipulated by a single human brain.(它们允许这些细分后的部分具有逻辑的和可理解的名称,这样就十分适合由人类处理。)
  • 2、Tap a network’s name to change channels on your TV — a lot more fun, and morecomprehensible, than hitting numbers on a traditional remote.(可以轻敲一个网络名称来给你的电视换台,这比在传统的遥控器上摁数字键更有趣更易懂。)
  • 3、The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is at allcomprehensible.(这个世界最不可理解的事就是这个世界竟然是可以被理解的。)
  • 4、Again, providecomprehensible titles and descriptions on the results page, as well as highlighted search terms.(再次在搜索页提供易于理解的标题和描述。)
  • 5、The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it iscomprehensible.(关于这个世界最难以理解的就是它是可以被理解的。)
  • 6、She emerged from the biography as a mother to the entire nation, or as a busybody, but hardly as a social type, a figurecomprehensible in terms of broader social developments.(在传记中,她作为整个国家的母亲身份出现,或者作为一个多管闲事的人出现,但很难作为一种社会类型出现,或者一个在更广泛的社会发展中可以理解的人物出现。)
  • 7、They thought that was intelligible they that made the worldcomprehensible because it made physical things act in th same sort of way as we do.(他们认为这种思想简单易懂也使得世界包罗万象,自然界的事物也本该按照此种方式进行着运动。) hAo86.com
  • 8、At least Nintendo USES acomprehensible exchange rate.(但至少任天堂使用了一种比较易懂的交换比率。)
  • 9、Spaghetti code: Systems whose structure is barelycomprehensible, especially because of misuse of code structures.(面条代码(Spaghetticode):指那些结构上完全不可理解的系统,尤其是因为误用代码。)
  • 10、Your code should be easilycomprehensible, read well, and be well documented.(您的代码应该是易于理解、可读性好且文档良好的。)
  • 11、I consider myself a noob, because not everything in Ubuntu is easilycomprehensible.(我认为自己还是个菜鸟,因为并不是Ubuntu中的所有东西都很容易理解。)
  • 12、She scrupulously reworks translations of ancient texts to make themcomprehensible, spotting mistranslations and misapprehensions galore.(她挑出古文翻译中的大量错译和误译之处,并重新进行了一丝不苟的翻译,使之易于理解。)
  • 13、None of the new donors (all of which, except Russia, still get aid themselves) publishes comprehensive, or evencomprehensible, figures.(这几个新兴捐助国中没有一个(除了俄罗斯,本身还接受别国援助)发布了全面,甚至是可以理解的统计数字。)
  • 14、The initiatives became longer-the longest rambled on for 15, 633 words-and, with double negatives and impenetrable legalese, lesscomprehensible.(选民倡议越来越长,最长的有15633个字,包含双重否定和看不懂的法律术语,越来越难以理解。)
  • 15、This is the classic funnel paradigm that site owners use to increase conversion and make their processcomprehensible for users.(站点所有者使用这种典型的通风管式的范例来增加转换,同时使用户更加容易理解站点的过程。)
  • 16、As we acquire more knowledge, things do not become morecomprehensible, but more complex and mysterious.(当我们获得更多的知识时,事情不是变得更容易理解,而是变得更复杂和神秘。)
  • 17、Certainly, but more than likely acomprehensible response to lack of opportunity.(当然是,但这可能更像对缺乏工作机会的反应——完全可以理解。)
  • 18、Is it simple andcomprehensible?(它简单且易于理解吗?)
  • 19、Large masses of data must generally undergo a process of summarization or reduction before they arecomprehensible.(数量庞大的数据通常必须经过概括或删减的程序才能为人所理解。)
  • 20、He spoke abruptly, in barelycomprehensible Arabic.(他突然开始说话,说的是几乎没人能听懂的阿拉伯语。)
  • 21、The maintainer is concerned with acomprehensible, consistent, and documented design approach, and the ease with which modifications can be made.(维护人员关注易理解性,一致性,和文档化的设计方法,与易修改性。)
  • 22、Now how do we do this so that, when the game is ready, the code iscomprehensible, easily maintained, and, in general, not a mess?(那么,我们该如何实现这些以便当游戏编制完毕后,代码易懂、易维护,最起码地,不会一团糟呢?)
  • 23、It is this theory that theoretically expalained that any complex thing can be made into easier and morecomprehensible through certain means.(也正是这个原理,从理论上说明了,任何复杂的事物,都可能通过一定的方法让他变得简单化且容易理解。)
  • 24、His fourth hypothesis is thecomprehensible input hypothesis.(他的第四个假说是可理解的输入假说。)



英 [ˌkɒmprɪˈhensəbl] 美 [ˌkɑ:mprɪˈhensəbl] 
副词: comprehensibly 名词: comprehensibility
