
computer programmer造句

computer programmer造句

更新时间:2025-03-09 22:15:30


computer programmer造句

  • 1、Gong Benru is a successfulcomputer programmer who, like Yang, chooses to save up his cash to buy a house.(宫本儒是一个事业有成的计算机程序员,像杨一样,他选择通过攒钱来买房。)
  • 2、I want to be acomputer programmer.(我想成为一名电脑程序员。)
  • 3、Looking for a position as acomputer programmer with a medium-sized firm.(谋求一家中型公司的计算机程序员职位。)
  • 4、Gleick: Part of this book focuses on people from the 19th century such as Ada Byron, who was the firstcomputer programmer.(格莱克:这本书的部分内容集中研究了一些来自于十九世纪的人物,如艾达·拜伦(AdaByron),她是世界上首位计算机程序员。)
  • 5、Mike found a challenging job as acomputer programmer.(迈克找到了一份富有挑战性的工作——当电脑程序师。)
  • 6、Scilab is a kind of mathematical algorithm language, but it will also seem familiar to the averagecomputer programmer.(Scilab是一种数学算法语言,但一般的计算机程序员对它也不陌生。)
  • 7、He is acomputer programmer, and it happened to him.(他是一位电脑程序员,这件事给他。)
  • 8、I'm in computers. I'm acomputer programmer.(我是做电脑的。我是电脑程序员。)
  • 9、Gong Benrun, a successfulcomputer programmer, is also saving money to buy house like Yang.(龚本如(音)是一个成功的电脑程序员,和杨一样,他也决定攒钱买房。)
  • 10、We need acomputer programmer.(她记得鲍勃如是说,“我们需要一个计算机工程师。”)
  • 11、"Prices are always going up, and salaries can't keep up," said Pereira, acomputer programmer.(“价格总是上升,而薪水难以为继”,计算机程序员佩雷拉表示。) haO86.com
  • 12、Thecomputer programmer is a creator of universes for which he aloneis responsible.(负责任的计算机程序员是宇宙的创造者。)
  • 13、Is it easy to find a job as acomputer programmer?(找一份计算机程序员的工作容易吗?)
  • 14、My mother is acomputer programmer.(我的妈妈是计算机程序员。)
  • 15、In a word, he proved himself a worthycomputer programmer once again.(总而言之,他再次证明了他是个有价值的计算机程序员。)
  • 16、Acomputer programmer has to study math really hard.(电脑程序必须在数学上下功夫。)
  • 17、I want to be acomputer programmer when I grow up.(当我长大时,我想当一个电脑程序设计者。)
  • 18、He's an expertcomputer programmer.(他是一位电脑程序专家。)
  • 19、Acomputer programmer, a musician or beautician.(不愿成为电脑程序员、音乐家或美容师。)
  • 20、He is acomputer programmer.(他是一个计算机程序员。)
  • 21、What is the best part of being acomputer programmer?(成为一名计算机程序员最好的部分是什么?)
  • 22、My roommates are all regular people, including a clothes shop owner, acomputer programmer, and a supermarket manager.(我的室友都是些普通人,有服装店老板,电脑程序员,超市经理。)

computer programmer基本释义

computer programmer

英 [kəmˈpju:tə ˈprəʊˌgræmə] 美 [kəmˈpjutɚ ˈproˌɡræmɚ] 
