1、But is "LOL" really a lazy, childishconcoction?(但是LOL真地是懒惰、孩子气的混合物吗?)
2、So the researchers also tested a secondconcoction chosen to mimic more closely what an average child might reasonably consume every day.(因此研究者们还选择了第二种调配物进行测试,而这种调配物所含的成分与一名普通的孩子在正常情况下摄人的添加剂成分更为接近。)
3、"We always admire her as she passes by." Mr. Pim watches Pippa suck theconcoction.(“她路过的时候我们都仰慕她。”皮姆先生看着皮帕在啜饮着混合饮料。)
4、But today's Bridezilla might be able to justify her toweringconcoction, because the most famous cakes become immortal.(今天的那些唯婚礼主义新娘们可能对她们的塔式建筑振振有词,因为最著名的蛋糕都是不朽的。)
5、They gave me a strangeconcoction to drink.(他们给我喝了一种味道很怪的调制饮料。)
6、Best veggie wash (also removes wax, but use the brush) is a basic vinegar and sodaconcoction.(最佳蔬菜清洗剂(清除了蜡状物,并且已经使过了蔬菜刷)是醋和苏打调合物。)
7、Next, get a douche from your local drug store and use it to squeeze theconcoction inside and flush yourself clean.(下一步,得到冲洗从您当地的药店,并用它来挤压内炮制自己冲洗干净。)
8、He deposits ten dollars, pours in hisconcoction, and awaits the results.(他付了10块钱,将混合物倒进了机器,开始等结果。)
9、It's no longer enough to simply slather some creamyconcoction on dry skin.(抗衰老已不再只是简单往干燥皮肤上擦面霜了。)
10、Chicla Beer, Bolivia. Chicla Beer is fermented from corn instead of barley, and looks like a yellow cloudyconcoction.(Chicla啤酒:产自玻利维亚,是用玉米替代大麦发酵而成的,看起来像一种黄色浑浊的混合饮料,尝起来像带有酒味的玉米糖浆。)
11、She rented a storefront in downtown Melbourne, and peddled herconcoction at a staggering markup.(她在墨尔本商业区租了一个门面,以令人咋舌的标价销售面霜。)
12、The poop-meatconcoction is prepared by extracting the basic elements of food — protein, carbohydrates and fats — and recombining them.(这种粪-肉制品是通过提取出食物的基本元素-蛋白质,糖类和脂肪,然后将它们结合起来制成的。)
13、The finalconcoction contained 75 to 80 different ingredients.(这种最后的混合物包括了75-80种不同的成分。)
14、Partying all night without being dead drunk doesn't mean you have to be a party pooper and miss your favorite vodkaconcoction.(整晚狂欢而并不宿醉并不意味着你要成为聚会上的扫兴者或者错过你最爱的炮制伏特加。)
15、This deliciousconcoction of fruit and spices makes a perfect drink for the festive period.(这美味的水果和香料调制的饮料会使你度过一个完美的圣诞。)
16、The resultingconcoction quickly became tremendously popular and was spiked with vanilla and cinnamon once it reached Europe.(这种因混合产生的调配品迅速变得极度受欢迎,并且当它传到欧洲后,立即就被掺入了香草香精和桂皮香料。)
17、When thisconcoction of his was later used to make a flexible, waterproof raincoat, the garment quickly became known as the mackintosh.(他炮制的这一调配织物后来用于缝制柔软的防水雨衣,人们很快就把这种服装称为mackintosh。)
18、She enjoyed theconcoction of foreign dishes.(她喜欢调制外国菜。)
19、Whereas most African countries contain a far headierconcoction of tribes within boundaries crudely drawn by colonial map-makers.(而在殖民者制图师草率划定的版图内,大部分非洲国家都有比博茨瓦纳更为复杂的部落关系。)
20、These materials are the company's own secret recipe - an uniqueconcoction not used anywhere else.(这些材料都是这家公司的秘方,一种独一无二未曾试用过的材料。) Hao86.com
21、The early humans may have applied theconcoction to their skin for protection or simply decoration, experts suggested.(专家们建议,早期的人类可能已经运用这种调和物来保护皮肤或做简单的装饰。)
22、Isn't this a deliciousconcoction?(这不是一种很可口的混合酒吗?)
23、I also used my ownconcoction of sauce (a combination of light soya sauce, mirin and sugar).(我还用上自制的调料(就是把生抽,味醂与糖混在一起。))
24、The world and universe are a mentalconcoction.(整个世界和宇宙都是头脑的调制品。)
25、It still makes Chocolate Malt-O-Meal 47 years later, so theconcoction has some loyal customers.(47年过去了,ChocolateMalt-o-Meal麦片还在生产,看来这个产品拥有一批忠实的消费者。)