1、What role it will play for the development of Englishcommunicative competence?(它对英语交际能力的提高有什么作用?。)
2、Classroom interaction is an essential approach to develop thecommunicative competence.(课堂交互活动是培养交际能力的必要途径。)
3、The society is in great need of persons with both specialized knowledge and interculturalcommunicative competence in English.(因此,时代迫切需要既有专业知识又有跨文化英语交际能力的人才。)
4、Part four, provide the conclusions of the research and the advices of the oralcommunicative competence evaluation.(第四部分,得出研究结论,提出教学实践中进行口语交际能力评价的建议。)
5、The high sensitivity of the cultural difference contributes to the positive transfer and the cross-culturecommunicative competence.(文化差异的高度敏感有助于促进文化的正迁移,提高人们跨文化语言交际的能力。)
6、The aim of the communicative approach to language teaching is to improve learners'communicative competence.(语言交际教学法的目的是提高学习者的交际能力。)
7、Culture; Culture Teaching; Senior English Teaching; Interculturalcommunicative competence.(文化;文化教学;高中英语教学;跨文化交际能力。)
8、The ultimate mission and aim of foreign language teaching is to cultivatecommunicative competence of learners.(外语教学的最终任务和目的是培养学习者的交际能力。) 【好工具hao86.com】
9、The goal of teaching is not only to teach English as knowledge but also as acommunicative competence.(教学目标不再把英语当作一门知识来教,而当作一种技能去教。)
10、communicative competence is the ability to use language properly.(交际能力指的是恰当地使用语言的能力。)
11、So how to improve learners' oralcommunicative competence is a significant problem that each language teacher faces to solve.(所以,如何提高学习者的口头交际能力是每个英语教师面临要解决的问题。)
12、Language competence is not equal tocommunicative competence.(语言能力并不等于交际能力。)
13、communicative competence is part of pragmatic study.(交际能力是语用学研究的一个部分。)
14、Cultural value orientation is a factor disturbing the cultivation ofcommunicative competence in English learning.(文化因素是影响英语教学中交际能力培养的一个不容忽视的问题。)
15、Thecommunicative competence of college students in English major is significantly different on gender.(高校英语专业大学生口语交际能力存在显著的性别差异。)
16、So how to improve leaners 'oralcommunicative competence is a significant problem that each language teacher faces to solve.(所以,如何提高学习者的口头交际能力是每个语言教师面临要解决的问题。)
17、As time goes by, their oralcommunicative competence can be developed.(日积月累,他们的口头交际能力就能得到培养。)
18、The competence of using English language include not only linguistic competence but also cross-culturalcommunicative competence.(英语的应用能力不仅包括对英语语言知识的运用能力,还包括跨文化交际能力。)
19、One of the challenges encountered by English teaching in China is to train students oralcommunicative competence.(中国英语专业教学面临的挑战之一就是培养学生的口语交际能力。)
20、Linguistic competence andcommunicative competence is the core of EFL teaching and learning.(英语的语言能力和交际能力是英语教学和学习的核心问题。)
21、The cultivation ofcommunicative competence is an important issue for practitioners of English teaching and research.(语言交际能力的培养是英语教学研究领域的一个重要课题。)
22、To cultivate thecommunicative competence is the ultimate aim of foreign language teaching.(培养语言交际能力,是外语教学的最终目标。)
23、The ultimate goal of ELT (English Language Teaching) is to help learners acquirecommunicative competence.(英语教学作为一种语言教学,它的最终目的是帮助学生获得交际能力。)
24、The need of external communication urges us to further improve interactivecommunicative competence.(由于对外交流的需要,促使我们要进一步提高学生的互动交际能力。)
25、The purpose of learning English is to train and develop students'communicative competence.(英语教学的最终目的是培养学生的交际能力。)
26、The interculturalcommunicative competence involves the abilities in respects of language, cognition, emotion and behavior, etc.(跨文化交际能力的内容涉及语言、认知、情感和行为等方面的能力。)