
cool down造句

cool down造句

更新时间:2025-03-09 22:14:47


cool down造句

  • 1、Going off alone tocool down is also an effective way to refuse anger, especially if you can't think clearly.(一个人独自去冷静下来也是拒绝愤怒的有效方法,尤其是当你不能清晰思考的时候。)
  • 2、The solution is to allow the flippers tocool down without drawing heat away from the rest of the turtle's body.(解决办法是让鳍肢冷却下来,而不把热量从海龟身体的其他部分带走。)
  • 3、Filter the broth and let itcool down.(然后过滤汤汁让肉慢慢冷却。)
  • 4、Slow the beat toward the end tocool down.(最后可以试着放慢节奏来慢慢平复下来。)
  • 5、They urge the public tocool down.(他们呼吁群众冷静。) (好工具hao86.com)
  • 6、Make sure youcool down and stretch after your run.(确保在你跑步后冷却和拉伸。)
  • 7、Repeat these intervals for 10-15 minutes, then do a 10-minute walkingcool down.(重复上述的间隔10-15分钟,然后步行10分钟放松一下。)
  • 8、For cooler (blue or green) light, you'll tell the camera to warm things up, and in warm light, you'll tell it tocool down.(对于较冷的光源(蓝或绿色),你会让相机给照片增加暖色,而在暖光源下,你要让它给照片降温。)
  • 9、Speaking of wet towels, jump in a cool shower tocool down when you've just had enough.(说到湿毛巾,你实在受不了的时候,也可以冲个冷水澡。)
  • 10、This song has a nice steady beat that's good for a warm-up orcool down.(这首歌曲的节奏非常平稳,它对热身或者冷却非常好。)
  • 11、If you feel riled up, give yourself some time tocool down first before engaging further.(如果你觉得被激怒了,在你走得更远之前,先给自己一点时间冷静下来。)
  • 12、When you need tocool down, do one or more of the activities in the list above.(当你需要静下来的时候,采取上面列表中的一种或多种活动。)
  • 13、He fanned himself with a newspaper tocool down.(他用一张报纸给自己扇凉。)
  • 14、Why not wait until youcool down a bit?(为什么不等你们都冷静一点呢?)
  • 15、If your sweat can't evaporate, your body can'tcool down.(如果汗液无法蒸发,你的身体就无法散热。)
  • 16、But if the conditions are too warm they find it difficult tocool down.(但是在过分温暖的情况下,它们就会感到降温困难。)
  • 17、This powerful song's slow tempo makes it great for your warm up orcool down.(这首强劲歌曲的慢节奏使它非常适合热身或者冷却。)
  • 18、Walk for 5 minutes tocool down.(然后步行5分钟凉快凉快。)
  • 19、He has had time tocool down and look at what happened more objectively.(他有时间平静下来,并且更加客观地考虑发生的一切。)
  • 20、Yet it may not prove so easy tocool down such a hot economy.(还不可能这么容易证实给这么热的经济降温。)
  • 21、I had a swim tocool down.(我游了泳,凉快凉快。)
  • 22、Tice found that a large proportion of mencool down by going for a drive—a finding that inspired her to drive more defensively.(Tice发现,很大一部分男性通过开车来降温,这一发现使她开车时更具防御性。)
  • 23、How long does it take tocool down a reactor?(冷却一座核反应堆需要多久?)
  • 24、If you do not, your relationship maycool down.(如果不这样做,你们的关系就会冷淡下来。)
  • 25、They help youcool down when you feel like your anger might explode.(当你感觉自己要怒火爆发的时候,它们会帮助你冷静下来。)

cool down基本释义

cool down

英 [ku:l daun] 美 [kul daʊn] 
冷却; 使变凉; 使缓和; 平静下来
