


更新时间:2025-03-02 21:06:23



  • 1、Excessiveconformity is usually caused by fear of disapproval.(过分随大流通常是由于担心不被认同造成的。)
  • 2、His shaggy hair and natural charisma were refreshing in a party best known forconformity.(他那蓬松的发型、与生俱来的超凡魅力给人一种耳目一新的感觉。)
  • 3、You'll see that he writes about, first,conformity.(你会发现他所写的首先是一致性。)
  • 4、People useconformity to ingratiate themselves with others.(人们利用随大流来讨好其他人。)
  • 5、It has become a symbol ofconformity.(它已成为一种整合的象征。)
  • 6、In a world where imitation is celebrated, the Chelsea is a bulwark againstconformity.(在一个模仿被庆祝的世界里,切尔西是对抗单一的防波提。)
  • 7、The quality of your shipment for our order is not inconformity with the agreed.(你方为我方订单提供的货物质量与双方同意的规格不符。)
  • 8、The Aschconformity Experiment (1953)(实验五、阿希的从众实验(1953年))
  • 9、He criticizes that people of his time for abandoning their own minds and their own wills for the sake ofconformity and consistency.(他批评他那个时代的人们为了一致性和统一性而放弃了他们自己的思想和意志。)
  • 10、Increasingly, this apparent diversity is becoming a mask for a new type ofconformity.(这种明显的多样性正日益成为一种新型一致性的面具。)
  • 11、The prime minister is, inconformity with their constitution, chosen by the president.(首相是遵照宪法由总统选定的。)
  • 12、So all these help to create an attitude ofconformity in the community, and you can see why a modest, a very plain style would have become so widely imitated throughout rural New England.(因此,所有这些都有助于在社区中形成一种从众的态度,你也可以明白为什么这种谦逊的、非常朴素的风格会在新英格兰农村地区被如此广泛地模仿。)
  • 13、conformity is a matter of habitual and unreflected ways of doing things.(从众是一种习惯性的,未反思的做事方式。)
  • 14、When faced with an authority figure mereconformity can be transformed into obedience.(当面对权威人物时,仅仅的从众心理将会转变为服从。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 15、Some (at least minimal) guarantee of stability andconformity.((至少)能够在某种程度上保证稳定性和一致性。)
  • 16、We find that the quality of your shipment is not inconformity with the agreed specifications.(我们发现你方船货的质量与我们同意的规格不符。)
  • 17、They enforceconformity.(他们强制顺从。)
  • 18、2, We sincerely hope the quality are inconformity with the contract stipulations.(我们真诚希望质量与合同规定相符。)
  • 19、conformity is important to safety.(服从对安全很重要。)
  • 20、In fact, we are much more likely to notice departures from norms thanconformity to them.(事实上,我们更可能注意到的是违反规范的例子,而往往忽视了遵守规范的行为。)
  • 21、But you can find a eugenicist's passion forconformity, too.(但是你还可以发现他们像优生学家一样,渴望找到一个统一模式。)
  • 22、Whatever your goals are, remember thatconformity affects everyone, whether we know it or not.(无论你的目的是什么,不管你是否知道,记住从众心理影响了每一个。)
  • 23、conformity and social acceptability is the natural enemy of the free mind.(顺从和社会认可是心灵自由的天敌。)
  • 24、Maximumconformity is seen when groups reach between 3 and 5 people.(最明显的随大流被发现,当人群数量达到3至5名时。)
  • 25、conformity is not in itself a good or a bad thing.(从众本身无所谓是好是坏。)
  • 26、All the same, the urge to diverge will be an even greater risk thanconformity.(尽管如此,分化的冲动还是比达成一致风险更大。)



英 [kənˈfɔ:məti] 美 [kənˈfɔ:rməti] 
名词复数: conformities
