
craft of poetry造句

craft of poetry造句

更新时间:2024-12-22 21:35:22


craft of poetry造句

  • 1、Fanny: Now he's gone, I shall find it easier to talk. Can you say something of thecraft of poetry?(范妮:他走了,我觉得讲起话更方便些。能说说写诗技巧吗?)
  • 2、To speak of shepherds and shepherding in a pastoral poem seems almost invariably to be a strategy or a way to speak of poets and theircraft of poetry.(在田园诗里描绘牧羊人,看起来是一种固定不变的策略或者方式,用以描述诗人和他们的造诣。)
  • 3、Robert Bly: Yes, I taught "Thecraft of poetry" for Galway's program one year.(罗伯特·布莱:是的,我为哥尔韦的计划教过一年的“诗歌的技艺”。)

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