count in造句

更新时间:2025-03-09 22:14:36


count in造句

  • 1、15 census officials were killed during South Africa'scount in 2001.(在南非2001年举行的普查中,有15名工作人员被杀害。)
  • 2、Android doescount in its activation tallies devices which access the Internet through cellular service, including eReaders like the Nook.(而android系统根据其手机上网服务来统计激活的android设备数目,包括像Nook电子书阅读器等。)
  • 3、The bureau states there has been an increase in incidents every year since they began keepingcount in 2004.(联邦调查局重申自从他们2004年开始统计以来,这类事件每年都在递增。)
  • 4、Note that with a small change, one couldcount in how many cycles a given row participates.(注意,通过一点儿小小的变动,可以计算出一个给定行参与了多少个循环。)
  • 5、You can also see thiscount in the views in the mail-in database.(还可以在mail-in数据库中的视图中看到这个计数。)
  • 6、For each word that is longer than two characters, it stores thecount in the frequency map.(对于每个长于两字符的单词,将统计数存储在频率映射中。)
  • 7、In all about 5m Darfuris, out of a population of 6m at the last officialcount in 2002, are either in camps or are relying on aid to survive.(2002年最后一次官方统计达尔富尔的人口数是600万,其中总共有500万现在要么在难民营,要么依靠救助生存。)
  • 8、The census takers, following habits established by the imperial British in the first nationalcount in 1872, will cover 650,000 settlements.(普查人员继承1872年英国第一次展开全国人口普查的传统,将走访650,000个地方。)
  • 9、Don'tcount in the broken ones.(破的别算入在内。)
  • 10、Figure 7 shows a table sorted by instancecount in descending order.(图7显示了按实例数量降序排列的表。)
  • 11、Icount in my head: five syllables, seven, five.(我在脑海中计算着音节,五言,七言,五言。)
  • 12、In western countries wecount in thousands, but in Japan theycount in ten thousands.(在西方国家,我们以千为单位计数,但是在日本他们是以万为单位计数。)
  • 13、But yet when you look back from the nineteenth century, these factors docount in explaining how countries turn out to be the way they are.(不过当你从十九世纪开始回顾历史,这些因素的确能解释,国家是如何转变成现在这样的?)
  • 14、Family ties, good health, a pleasant natural environment, freedom from conflict: all thesecount in the equation.(家庭关系,身体健康,自然环境宜人,免于冲突:所有这些都在等式中占有重要地位。)
  • 15、Only Iraq, Lebanon, Myanmar, Somalia, Uzbekistan and Western Sahara will fail to hold acount in this ten-year round.(在这一轮十年的周期内,只有伊拉克、黎巴嫩、缅甸、索马里、乌兹别克斯坦和西撒哈拉没有进行人口普查。)
  • 16、Every morning, Kate recited Ami Mansour (Uncle Mansour) and Khams Battat (Five Ducks). She was also taught to say the colours and tocount in Arabic.(每天早上,凯特都要背诵AmiMansour(曼苏尔叔叔)和KhamesBattat(五只小鸭子),她也学会了怎么用阿拉伯语说颜色和数字。)
  • 17、Applications are using product packaging information, such as the expected unitscount in a case, to ensure counting errors are not made in the packaging process.(应用程序使用产品包装信息(比如一个包装箱中应该装的产品数量)来确保包装过程中不会出现数量错误。)
  • 18、At lastcount in 2000, the country had 1.29 billion people.(上一次数人头是2000年,当时该国有12.9亿人。) (好工具
  • 19、Some feel their countries are too small tocount in the world, so seek a share of a European superpower.(有些人感觉他们的国家实在太小,在世界上无足轻重,于是想在欧洲的联合中争得一份权力。)
  • 20、Select the Data button to see the statements and theircount in a tabular form.(选择Data按钮就会看到表格形式的语句数据。)
  • 21、Foreign loanscount in full.(而对外国的贷款则需全额计入。)
  • 22、Note: These parameterscount in the NUMBER of parameters clause but they do not appear as parameters of the federated procedure.(注:NUMBEROFparameters子句中考虑这些参数,但是它们不作为联邦过程的参数出现。)
  • 23、Thecount in Table 1 has been approximated somewhat since I experimented a bit with my code.(由于我对代码进行了一些实验,表1中的计数是近似的。)
  • 24、Increments acount in each loop iteration.(在每次循环迭代中增加一个计数。)
  • 25、If you delete a file that has a link count greater than 1, the linkcount in the inode is reduced by 1, but the file is not deleted until the count goes to 0.(如果您删除一个链接数大于1的文件,inode中的链接数将减少1,但是文件在链接数为0之前不会被删除。)
  • 26、Fan voting, however, did notcount in the final tallies from nine judges.(不过选美迷们的投票并不计入9名裁判最后给出的分数。)
  • 27、Family and tribal ties are whatcount in getting jobs.(找工作的过程中,仍然是家庭和部族关系说了算。)

count in基本释义

count in

英 [kaunt in] 美 [kaʊnt ɪn] 