
make a name造句

make a name造句

更新时间:2025-03-09 22:13:49


make a name造句

  • 1、If you want to succeed in today's workplace andmake a name for yourself, you'll have to do a lot more than what you got hired to do.(如果你想让自己大名远扬、在现代职场成功,就必须做很多额外工作。)
  • 2、She firstmake a name for herself as an actress.(她最初是以当演员而成名的。)
  • 3、One day you "ll got out into the world andmake a name for yourself."(总有一天,你会进入社会,一举成名的。)
  • 4、He took the order because he wanted tomake a name for his shop.(他接受这一订货是为了使他的商店出名。)
  • 5、Recently I was talking to a friend who was considering whether tomake a name change.(最近,我同一位正考虑是否改名的朋友聊了一会。)
  • 6、I already have sponsors who pay me for publicity and I'm not paid tomake a name for Lo Monaco.(我已经有赞助商给我付钱了,但想出名的洛莫纳科还没有给我付劳务费。)
  • 7、She was beginning tomake a name for herself as a portrait photographer.(她当时作为一名肖像摄影师开始出名。)
  • 8、We'll each pick a letter and thenmake a name out of that.(我们每个人选一个字母,然后就用来给它命名吧!)
  • 9、Maybe he’s just trying tomake a name for himself.(也许他只是想为自己博得一些名声和人气。)
  • 10、Taking on a tough project. Succeeding where others have given up is a great way tomake a name for yourself.(参加一个艰难的项目。在别人放弃的地方成功是为自己扬名的好方法。)
  • 11、Artists have long been aware of the need tomake a name for themselves, and some are natural marketers.(艺术家们都清楚认识到打造名声的需要,而其中一些人是天生推销自己的好手。)
  • 12、They had come tomake a name for themselves by finding riches and gold to carry home to the Queen.(他们通过发现财富和黄金并带回给皇后使自己威名远扬。)
  • 13、"Let us make us a name" The purpose was that man in his foolish pride wanted tomake a name for himself (Psalm 49:11-13).(“让我们传扬我们的名”。这目的是人由于愚蠢的骄傲企图传扬他们自己的名(诗篇49:11-13)。)
  • 14、The motivation for publicity attacks is that the attackers want tomake a name for themselves.(公共攻击的动机是,攻击者想要出名。)
  • 15、It was a big deal, you canmake a name for yourself.(这是很了不得的,你可以借此一举成名。)
  • 16、Don't try tomake a name for yourself.(不要为自己的名努力。)
  • 17、Finally,make a name for yourself by standing up when others step back.(最后一点,当其他人都退后时,你应该勇敢的站出来为自己赢得名誉。)
  • 18、I think we canmake a name for ourselves.(我认为我们可以成名。) hao86.com
  • 19、Many British comediansmake a name for themselves by creating characters on television that they became known for.(许多英国喜剧演员通过塑造广为人知的电视角色来让自己出名。)
  • 20、How do youmake a name for yourself without scoring the basketball?(在篮球场上你如果没有得分的强项,如何能有名气呢?)
  • 21、Then I started to work in television and began tomake a name for myself in television.(后来,我开始演出电视剧,也开始在电视圈打出名声。)
  • 22、You're going tomake a name for yourself, but everyone starts at the bottom.(你会为自己的名字,但每个人都开始在底部。)
  • 23、Joseph Vincent is an up-and-coming acoustic ARTIST striving tomake a name for himself in the world of MUSIC.(约瑟夫·文森特是一个向上的新生代声乐艺术家,努力使自己在世界音乐领域有自己一席之地。)

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