
更新时间:2024-06-23 23:51:23



  • 1、Cookiecutter process.(曲奇饼成形机过程。)
  • 2、This unusual configuration of symmetricalcutter claws did not change when the lobsters were subsequently placed in a manipulatable environment or when they lost and regenerated one or both claws.(当龙虾随后被放置在一个可操纵的环境中,或者当它们失去一个或两个爪子后再生时,这种不寻常的对称刀状爪子的结构并没有改变。)
  • 3、They are trying their best to reactivate the old coalcutter.(他们正在尽最大的努力使这台旧截煤机重新运转。)
  • 4、There is no cookie-cutter solution to climate change impacts.(对气候变化影响没有普遍适用的解决方案。)
  • 5、It makes it more interesting than the cookie-cutter physiques seen in some books.(这个远远比书中看到的一个模子压出来的身体有趣。)
  • 6、Several search planes, along with a Coast Guardcutter, came and went.(几架侦察机和一艘海岸警卫队快艇来了又走了。)
  • 7、So the moneylender could always find him, and that made the suit-cutter creditworthy.(因此债主总能找到他,从而成就了西服公司的老总良好信誉。)
  • 8、In the same drawing, she incorrectly lumped together army and leaf-cutter ants.(在同一幅画中,她错误地把军队和切叶蚁混为一谈。)
  • 9、In contrast, when juvenile lobsters were reared in a smooth tank without the oyster chips, the majority developed twocutter claws.(相比之下,当幼龙虾在没有牡蛎片的光滑鱼缸中饲养时,大多数都发育出了两个刀爪。)
  • 10、Its using realm become bigger and bigger, from I/C engines of civil grasscutter to driving power of naval ships.(从民用割草机的内燃引擎到海军舰船的驱动力,其使用范围越来越大。)
  • 11、The crusher claw is short and stout; thecutter claw is long and slender.(破碎机的爪子短而结实;切割机的爪子则又长又细。)
  • 12、Then I made the letters for Will you marry me? Out of foam core, using a lasercutter.(然后将“你愿意嫁给我吗?”这几个字用激光切割器刻在泡沫上面。)
  • 13、We do have a vacancy for acutter.(我们确实要招一名裁剪工。)
  • 14、InBev is known as a ruthless costcutter and would have plenty of fat to work on.(英博以残酷的成本缩减者而闻名,可能要找一些肥肉试刀。)
  • 15、You have had a long career as a stonecutter.(您长期从事石头雕刻。)
  • 16、Mr. Robinson has developed the reputation of a ruthless cost-cutter.(鲁宾逊先生已经有了毫不留情的成本削减者的名声。)
  • 17、The Garliccutter is not satisfied; she orders them to continue.(那女人并不满意,命令他们继续行动。)
  • 18、There is no cookiecutter rule for minimalists.(对简约主义者来说,并没有什么俗套的千篇一律的规则。)
  • 19、Before she drifted off, she said she remembered seeing a boxcutter.(据她回忆,在昏昏欲睡的时候,好像见到有一把美工刀。)
  • 20、She noticed that the boxcutter had disappeared from the room.(女人同时注意到,之前房间里的美工刀已经消失了。)
  • 21、Handmade goods appeal to those who are tired of cookie-cutter products.(手工制品受到那些已厌倦划一产品的人的欢迎。)
  • 22、What hadcutter done to make him stick out from the crowd?(卡特做了什么让他在人群中如此显眼?) (好工具
  • 23、In the same plate, Merian depicted and described leaf-cutter ants for the first time.(在同一幅插图中,梅里安第一次描绘和描述了切叶蚁。)
  • 24、Or does it entail sitting down with a patterncutter and designing?(或者是需要坐下来与裁剪师和设计师讨论吗?)
  • 25、Too many cookie-cutter condos were built with no attention to consumer needs.(太多千篇一律的公寓在建造时没有注意住户的需要。)
  • 26、However, not everyone could fit the cookie-cutter mold.(然而,并非每个人都能适合这个模子。)
  • 27、Use the reaming blade on the end of the tubecutter to remove any burrs.(用截管器尾部的铰刀清除毛边。)
  • 28、The sharp wheel on a pizzacutter makes cutting through all kinds of other foods a breeze.(披萨刀上锋利的转轮可以轻松切割各种食物。)



英 [ˈkʌtə(r)] 美 [ˈkʌtɚ] 
