1、Each pleat was stitched in placeby hand.(每个褶子都是手工缝制的。)
2、But it has to be doneby hand, not typing on a keyboard.(但必须是手工操作,而不是在键盘上打字。)
3、She addressed themby hand in her beautiful italic script.(她用她漂亮的斜体字亲笔给他们写信。)
4、She washes her silk shirtsby hand.(她手洗了自己的丝绸衬衫。)
5、Do you think it necessary for dispatchers to draw mapsby hand when they have electronic maps?(当调度员有电子地图时,你认为有必要用手画地图吗?)
6、Election boards will count the ballotsby hand.(选举委员会将手工清点选票。)
7、Before that, books in Europe were copiedby hand, so they were very expensive.(在那之前,欧洲的书都是手工抄写的,所以很贵。)
8、They were builtby hand hundreds of years ago.(它们都是数百年前人工建造的。)
9、Farm workers milked cowsby hand.(农场工人们手工给奶牛挤奶。)
10、Writing out all the invitationsby hand consumed more time than we had expected.(手写所有的邀请函花的时间比我们预计的更多。)
11、Collecting these speciesby hand can be difficult.(手工收集这些物种是很困难的。)
12、My washing machine is being repaired this week, so I have to wash my clothesby hand.(我的洗衣机这周要维修,所以我得用手洗衣服。)
13、It has a similar effect to writingby hand.(这和手写有相似的效果。)
14、When we started with the entire class, I showed the children how to bind the bookby hand.(当我们开始整堂课的时候,我教孩子们如何手工装订书本。)
15、Reading and writing involve a number of senses and when writingby hand our brain receives feedback from our muscles and fingertips.(阅读和写作涉及多种感官,当我们用手写字时,我们的大脑会从肌肉和指尖得到反馈。)
16、Do you write using a computer orby hand?(你是用电脑写还是用手写?)
17、I have to wash my clothesby hand.(我必须手洗我的衣服。)
18、It was writtenby hand.(这是手写的。)
19、The fabric was paintedby hand.(这个织品是手染的。)
20、Her wedding dress was stitchedby hand.(她的婚纱是手工缝制的。)
21、You can catch lobsterby hand, but you should wear thick gloves because lobster's claws are strong.(你可以用手抓龙虾,但是你应该戴厚厚的手套,因为龙虾的爪子很结实。)
22、They called a submarine an iron fish and a small bomb thrownby hand a potato.(他们把潜水艇叫做“铁鱼”,把用手扔的小炸弹叫做“土豆”。)
23、I like to writeby hand when I travel.(当我旅行时,我喜欢手写一些东西。)
24、The national flag should be raised and loweredby hand.(国旗应该手动升降。)
25、Some can be pulled from a rucksack and launchedby hand.(有些可以从帆布背包中取出并且用手发动。)
26、The airline had not been searching unaccompanied baggageby hand, but only screening it on X-ray machines.(这家航空公司一直没有手工检查非随身行李,只是在X光机上检查。)
27、We picked the cornby hand and we fed it to the hogs and the cows.(我们掰下玉米,用来喂猪和奶牛。)
28、There is a price to be paid in that it is a delicate crop that cannot be lifted by machine or it will be bruised and rot, so has to be hauledby hand which is expensive.(这是要付出代价的,因为这是一种脆弱的农作物,不能用机器采摘,否则就会被压伤和腐坏,所以必须采用手工拖运,这是非常耗钱的。)
29、Rice farmers here still plant and harvest their cropsby hand.(这里的稻农仍然用手工种植和收割庄稼。)