
break out造句

break out造句

更新时间:2025-03-02 21:04:41


break out造句

  • 1、It's time tobreak out of one's dream.(是时候打破某人的幻想了。)
  • 2、If that's not enough, then Ibreak out the cleaner.(如果光用水不够,那我会用清洁剂。)
  • 3、Every day you should be finding opportunities tobreak out of your shell.(每天都该不断寻找机会来突破你的壳。)
  • 4、The news was hardly cause tobreak out the Champagne.(这些消息几乎不能使人去拿出香槟酒来。)
  • 5、The authorities have urged people to stock up on fuel in case hostilitiesbreak out.(当局已敦促人们储备燃料以防战争爆发。)
  • 6、You can also drill down in that information tobreak out coverage by test plan.(您还可以钻到该信息中,通过测试计划突破覆盖率。)
  • 7、But at least they have started tobreak out of their old insularity.(但他们至少已经开始打破以前的保守状态了。)
  • 8、break out the hangers and boxes.(用挂钩和箱子。)
  • 9、Query is finally ready for production, and APP is ready tobreak out.(查询最终为生产做好了准备,APP则为突破做好了准备。)
  • 10、Michael finally extends a formal invitation tobreak out with them.(Michael最后向他正式提出邀请一同越狱出去。)
  • 11、She needed tobreak out of her daily routine and do something exciting.(她需要从日常事务中解脱出来,找点有意思的事做。)
  • 12、It's taken a long time tobreak out of my own conventional training.(摆脱我自己的传统训练花了很长一段时间。)
  • 13、A person who is allergic to cashews maybreak out in a rash when he consumes these nuts.(对腰果过敏的人吃了这些坚果可能会出疹子。) hao86.com
  • 14、Some groundfish, like cod, swims down to try tobreak out.(一些底栖鱼如鳕鱼会向下游,试图逃脱。)
  • 15、break out the Champagne!(是时候开香槟庆祝了。)
  • 16、Peace and prosperity were predicted. In fact, peace did notbreak out.(预言中尽是和平繁荣,事实上和平却并未降临。)
  • 17、Following the simple steps that I'm sharing might just help you find the confidence you need tobreak out the frying pan, casserole dish, and ramekins.(跟着我分享的简单的步骤做可能会帮助你拾起你所需的自信,来拿起煎锅、砂锅和焗杯。)
  • 18、The boxes were rigged to allow a bear tobreak out anytime it wanted.(盒子经过改装,允许熊随时破盒而出。)
  • 19、A group of prisoners rushed an officer and managed tobreak out.(一伙囚犯突然袭击狱警,越狱了。)
  • 20、Find new ways to explore -break out of your patterns.(打破你的固有模式,找到新的探索之路。)
  • 21、break out the flashlights.(拿出手电筒吧。)
  • 22、There are concerns that a new civil war maybreak out if no solution is found.(有人担忧,如果不尽快找出解决方案,可能会爆发新的内战。)
  • 23、Every morning I wouldbreak out in a sweat.(每天早上我都会突然满身大汗。)
  • 24、If you need tobreak out of the framework, it is very easy to do.(如果需要摆脱这个框架,可以非常容易地做到。)
  • 25、Martin paused from his rhapsody, only tobreak out afresh.(马丁暂停了他的狂欢颂,只是为了重新说下去。)
  • 26、One way tobreak out is to focus on organic and local foods.(一个解决方法就是专注于有机食品和本地食品。)
  • 27、How can youbreak out of a colour rut with eye shadow?(如何用眼影来造成醒目的颜色对比?)
  • 28、They need tobreak out of that to understand the world the way it really is.(他们需要打破这些观念来理解这个世界原本的模样。)

break out基本释义

break out

英 [breik aut] 美 [brek aʊt] 
(战争、火灾等)爆发; 逃脱