
come into play造句

come into play造句

更新时间:2025-03-09 22:13:35


come into play造句

  • 1、In particular, there are two issues in the WSDL (and also the SOAP) spec thatcome into play here.(特别是,在WSDL(和SOAP)规范中有两个问题是属于这种类型的。)
  • 2、At run time, the various supporting systems againcome into play as shown in Table 2.(运行时,各种支持系统将再次发挥作用,如表2所示。)
  • 3、But also there are natural and conventional practices that also cancome into play.(但也有自然和传统的做法可以起作用。)
  • 4、This is where your negotiation skillscome into play.(这就要看您的谈判技巧如何了。)
  • 5、Later, in 2011, we'll see more of HTML5, and the OneAPI standard willcome into play.(晚些时候,在2011,我们将看到更多的HTML5,OneAPI标准会开始起作用。)
  • 6、The phone's internal compass and accelerometer alsocome into play to help determine its location.(手机内置的罗盘和加速度计亦能帮助手机定位。)
  • 7、The real existence of a military option willcome into play.(现有的军事手段将开始起作用。)
  • 8、Personal feelings should notcome into play when you are making business decisions.(为公事作决策不应掺入个人感情成分。)
  • 9、This is where newer, more modern programming languagescome into play, and Clojure is a great example.(在这里新的、更现代的编程语言开始发挥作用,Clojure就是个最好的例子。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 10、Where do Process Server and WESBcome into play in the maturity model?(ProcessServer及WESB在成熟模型中的作用)
  • 11、Stress, depression, boredom, loneliness, and even joy allcome into play.(压力,抑郁,无聊,孤独,甚至高兴都会起作用。)
  • 12、Similar tactical calculations mightcome into play in South Africa.(类似的战术计算也可能会在南非一显身手。)
  • 13、However, in the examples here, that option does notcome into play.(然而,在这里的例子中,这个选项并不适用。)
  • 14、The red effect also mightcome into play in team sports.(红色还可能会在集体运动项目中发挥效力。)
  • 15、The researchers apparently "chided" those who let stereotypescome into play in their decision-making process.(研究人员表面上“斥责”那些模式化的见解参与到做决定的过程。)
  • 16、Instead, a separate winner for each strain is picked in each affected lymph node before immunodominance cancome into play.(取而代之的是针对不同病原体的不同T细胞,它们将会在显性免疫出现之前被挑选出来进入受累的淋巴结。)
  • 17、The international treaty violation wouldcome into play here, justas in sub-seabed disposal.(与海床下储存一样,埋入潜没区这种处理方式也违背国际条约。)
  • 18、These factors allcome into play, especially if the help is more than just a verbal exchange.(这些因素都会参与其中,特别是那个帮助仅仅是一种口头上的交流。)
  • 19、If those labor costs can be obviated by greater automation, then other considerationscome into play.(如果那些劳动力成本可以通过更高水平的自动化操作进行削减,那么其他因素就要开始发挥作用了。)
  • 20、That's where the new Generation templatescome into play.(这就是新生成模板要叙述的内容。)
  • 21、Also, motivation may havecome into play as well.(另外,动机也扮演了重要角色。)
  • 22、In the case of children, even more factorscome into play.(而在儿童中,则有更多的因素在起作用。)
  • 23、Finer judgments about the liquidity of assets will alsocome into play.(对资产流动性的准确判断也很重要。)
  • 24、Factors such as platform, database, language and tool choicescome into play.(平台、数据库、语言和工具的选择等等因素都在其中扮演着角色。)
  • 25、This is where distribution statisticscome into play.(而分布统计信息可以填补这一空白。)
  • 26、Two related elementscome into play when constructing the DFA.(当构造DFA时,两个相关元素发挥了作用。)
  • 27、Several factorscome into play as you consider when to provide error messages.(在考虑何时提供错误消息时,有一些因素会发挥作用。)
  • 28、This is where all of the different functions of ITcome into play.(这里正是IT所有不同功能所发挥作用的地方。)

come into play基本释义

come into play

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