1、There are many saying and greeting associated with theChinese New Year.(在春节拜年的时候有很多俗语。)
2、In a few days, we will welcome the Year of the Tiger in the LunarChinese New Year.(再过几天即将迎来中国农历虎年新年。)
3、Many young people in Nanchang celebratedChinese New Year in the same way.(今年春节,南昌的很多年轻人都是在网上度过的。)
4、A:My Japanese friends are comjng to visit me during theChinese New Year.(我的日本朋友过新年的时候要来找我玩。)
5、When isChinese New Year?(中国新年是什么时候?)
6、year-on-year comparisons are tricky thanks to theChinese New Year.(由于农历新年的因素,年度同比比较变得有些棘手。)
7、Another busy weeklong holiday is the Spring Festival, or the traditionalChinese New Year.(另一个忙碌的一周长假是中国的传统节日春节。)
8、This is the 10th year that we have been celebrating theChinese New Year here in Trafalgar Square.(春节与伦敦有个一年一度的约会。在特拉法加广场举行的这场中国文化盛事,今年已经是连续第10年。)
9、TheChinese New Year will be welcomed with three weeks of celebrations across Australia.(为了迎接中国新年,澳大利亚各地将举行为期三周的庆祝活动。)
10、What do Chinese do duringChinese New Year?(中国人在春节期间做什么?)
11、Why do we light firecrackers onChinese New Year?(为什么中国过新年要放鞭炮?)
12、Red packet is unavoidable inChinese New Year.(红包在中国新年里是不可避免的。)
13、One of my most embarrassing moments was when I had a Chinese-American employee put in a request to take time off to celebrateChinese New Year.(我最尴尬的时刻之一是,我让一名美籍华人员工申请休假来庆祝中国春节。)
14、It has become the largest event of celebrating theChinese New Year outside Asia.(它已成为亚洲以外规模最大的春节庆典活动。)
15、The space station design was unveiled on alive broadcast to celebrate theChinese New Year.(在庆祝新年的实况直播中,太空站设计揭开面纱。)
16、Money can't buy you love, but it can let you rent a girlfriend to take home forChinese New Year.(虽然金钱买不到爱情,但你可以租个女友回家过年。)
17、Chinese New Year, now celebrated in most big cities around the world, is just one of the many festivals that are accepted internationally.(现在世界上大多数大城市都在庆祝中国新年,它只是众多被国际接受的节日之一。)
18、A:Chinese New Year is according to the lunar calendar.(春节是根据农历而定的。)
19、During theChinese New Year holiday, visitors can see a different Bird's Nest.(春节期间,游客们可以看到一个不一样的鸟巢。)
20、Millions abandoned the city atChinese New Year in late January and a steady trickle continues.(去年一月底的春节期间,有几百万人离开了深圳,而零星的返乡持续不断。)
21、But I recall the little orange lamp everyChinese New Year.(但是从那时起,每逢春节,我就想起那盏小桔灯。)
22、The red color was popular forChinese New Year celebrations.(红色在中国新年庆祝活动中很受欢迎。) (好工具hao86.com)
23、This month, he went home for theChinese New Year holiday.(这个月,他回家过年。)
24、HappyChinese New Year!(农历新年快乐!)
25、London is celebrating theChinese New Year.(伦敦庆祝一年一度的中国新年。)