dash off造句

更新时间:2025-03-09 22:12:36


dash off造句

  • 1、Thrown off stride, boxed in, and unable to make a final dash for the finish line, he ended the race with a look of anguish, dreams of glory crushed.(他当时步伐大乱且被拦著,不能凭最后冲刺到达终点,完成了赛事的他满脸苦恼,光荣胜利的梦想也完全幻灭了。)
  • 2、Excuse me, I mustdash off now.(请原谅,我现在得赶紧走了。)
  • 3、When Current Biology invited me to write a monthly column in the journal, I quickly accepted, thinking that I would be able to dash it off easily.(当现代生物学邀请我为他们杂志写作一个每月专栏,我很爽快就答应了,觉得我可以很容易唰唰写完。)
  • 4、I mustdash off.(我必须马上离开。)
  • 5、Annie took out her drawing pad and pencil todash off a sketch of the old man.(安妮拿出画本和铅笔,迅速地画了一幅老人的素描。)
  • 6、Sodash off to be part of an exciting, winning community and enjoy the fun!(赶紧来登记,加入这个令人振奋的团队,享受其中的乐趣!)
  • 7、Technology can encourage more frequent, more casual contact. It's no chore todash off ane-mail to Granddad.(科技鼓励人们更加频繁的联系,不管怎么说,给远方的亲戚发封电子邮件并不是什么麻烦事。)
  • 8、Annie took out her drawing pad and pencil todash off a sketch of the Indians.(安妮拿出画本和铅笔,迅速地画了一幅印第安人的素描。)
  • 9、And it looks like a person starting the robot dance while the gun goes off for a 50-yard dash to the side.(而且这个字看起来像是一个人在开始跳机器舞的时候突然一支枪在50码外走火打在它旁边。)
  • 10、He jumped off the bus and made a dash for the nearest bar.(他跳下公共汽车,直奔近处的酒吧。)
  • 11、dash off a letter; dash down a glass of juice.(仓促地写完一封信;匆忙地喝下一瓶果汁。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 12、Must youdash off? Why not stay for a cup of tea?(你一定要急急忙忙走吗?为何不留下喝杯茶呢?)
  • 13、And I want to share some alternatives with you, so that you'll make more connections, rather than having peopledash off.(我希望和你分享一些别的说法,这样你会交到更多的朋友而不是让人们对你避之不及。)
  • 14、I mustdash off some letters before I leave.(我必须在离开之前把这几封信给赶出来。)
  • 15、Dash it all, I think I'm entitled to a few days off; I've not had a holiday this year yet.(该死,我认为我有权休息几天;今年我还没有休过假呢。)

dash off基本释义

dash off

英 [dæʃ ɔf] 美 [dæʃ ɔf] 
匆忙完成; 匆匆离去; 迅速写(或画)