1、bank clerk for two robbers heave very confused.(银行职员对两位抢劫犯之举十分不解。)
2、Abank clerk rushed into the street.(一个银行职员冲到大街上。)
3、bank clerk: May I help you?(银行职员:请问有什么可以帮助您的?)
4、bank clerk: Of course, we'd be happy to cash it for you.(银行职员:当然啦,我们很高兴能为您兑换。)
5、bank clerk: And your passport please.(银行职员:您的护照?)
6、Thebank clerk peered at the customer through the grill.(银行的职员从格栅后面看着顾客。) (好工具hao86.com)
7、I want to be abank clerk.(我想当银行职员。)
8、I'd like to come in and apply for the job of thebank clerk. Can you help me?(我想来申请银行职员一位,你能帮助我吗?)
9、bank clerk: For the later deposits, you can deposit any you want. Even one Yuan is OK.(银行职员:然后您可以任意存。存一元也行。)
10、She's abank clerk.(她是银行职员。)
11、bank clerk: Your ID, please.(银行职员:把您的身份证给我。)
12、bank clerk: Which account would you like to open?(银行职员:您想开什么样的帐户?)
13、She is employed as abank clerk.(她被雇用为银行职员。)
14、If you want to meet many interesting people, you can be abank clerk.(假如你想见很多有趣的人,你可以当一名银行职员。)
15、For every traditionalbank clerk there are several sorts of financial intermediators.(对每个传统的银行职员来说,金融中间人有许多种。)
16、bank clerk: OK. Please fill out this form with the necessary information.(银行职员:好的。请先在这个表格里填写一些必要的个人信息。)
17、What do you want to be? I want to be abank clerk.(你想做什么?我想当一名银行职员。)
18、Abank clerk, for example, wants to use this specialist vocabulary and technical terms of finance.(例如,一个银行职员想要使用这种专业词汇和金融术语。)
19、As a Romanianbank clerk in Atlanta puts it, to find a good job "you have to be like a wolf in the forest—able to smell out the best meat."(正如亚特兰大一位罗马尼亚银行职员所说,要想找到一份好工作,“你必须像森林里的狼一样,能够嗅出最好的肉。”)