1、Well, I got into bed again, and five minutes later there came a bang at the door.(然后,我又躺到床上。五分钟后,有人重重地敲门。)
2、I didn't expect tobang into him there.(我没料到会在那儿碰见他。)
3、Recent calculations suggest that close to the big bang, the fabric of space and time was so contorted that it flipped gravity into reverse, producing a repulsive force.(最近的计算表明当接近大爆炸时,空间和时间的卷曲之利害以致引力能被逆转而产生排斥力。)
4、What lifts the Big Bang Theory into frequent excellence is its one constant from the start: the brilliantly nuanced performance of Jim Parsons.(《天才理论传》之所以好看,是因为从一开始就有一点没有变化,那就是吉姆·帕森斯精彩细腻的表演。)
5、They have a right to go into a slaughterhouse and, bang, it's done.(它们有权利走进屠宰场,并且砰的一下就结束掉。)
6、Big Bang approaches that are inherently risky can be easily broken down using the principles of SOA into subprojects that tackle specific functional areas of the enterprise.(在将SOA的原则应用到处理企业的特定功能领域的子项目时,可以很容易克服本身就有风险的“大爆炸”方法。)
7、A player must be able to run steadily without rest. Sometimes a player must hit the ball with his or her head. Players must be willing tobang into and be banged into by others.(比如我们会这样表达:足球运动员必须能不停地奔跑,有时得用头顶球,撞别人或被别人撞,必须忍受双脚和肌肉的疼痛,所以说,足球运动是一项难度大的运动。)
8、He was "hee hee" laugh, grabbed a regiment snow shape into a snowball, "Bang, wind," is heard, snowball to come to me.(他“嘻嘻”一笑,抓起一团雪捏成一个雪球,只听“嗖”的一声,雪球向我飞来。)
9、We're three episodes into season 4 of 'the Big Bang Theory' and the show continues to focus on the antics of nerdy theoretical physicist Sheldon.(目前《生活大爆炸》第四季已经播出到了第三集,本集继续关注我们滑稽古怪的书呆子理论物理学家——谢耳朵。)
10、These hermit crabs strike fear into the hearts of seated airline passengers whenever they board, because their shells invariablybang into innocent shins all the way to their seat.(“寄居蟹”一旦坐飞机,总是会让乘客们心惊肉跳,因为他们的“壳”老是会扎到傍边无辜群众的脚面上。)
11、Such expansion was precisely what our universe did in the Big Bang, when it suddenly exploded from a tiny clump of matter into a fully-fledged cosmos.(这种膨胀正好就是我们的宇宙在大爆炸时期所发生的事情,当时一小块物质膨胀成了现在成熟的宇宙。)
12、So I have one mass of unit 1-- - I will tell you what that is-- and I bang that into number 2.(现在规定一单位的质量-,我会告诉你这是什么-,使它与物体2相碰。)
13、Opposite to a 'big bang' approach, this one is focusing on how to implement multiple small projects into a sequence of successful deployments.(与“大爆炸”的方式相反,连续实施的焦点是如何将多个小项目融合到一连串成功的实施中去。)
14、By smashing protons into one another in head-on collisions, physicists intend to recreate conditions that occurred a fraction of a second after the universe was created in the Big Bang.(通过正面相互对撞将原子粉碎,物理学家意图重现大爆炸后宇宙形成那一刹那的情形。)
15、Most cosmologists believe that the Universe, and with it space and time, exploded into being some 13.7 billion years ago at the Big Bang, and that it has been expanding ever since.(很多宇宙学家都相信,宇宙及其空间和时间,在大约137亿年前自大爆炸而扩展开来,并且一直膨胀至今。)
16、Then you let it all ferment in the back of your mind for decades, until, bang, it suddenly coalesces into a brilliant insight.(这写东西都在你的记忆中酝酿数十年,突然就凝结成了自己的智慧。)
17、"Bang bang" sounded a knock on the door, a beloved boy, and his father into the house, a three sitting at the table.(“砰砰砰”,响起了敲门声,一个心爱的男孩,还有他的父亲进了屋,一家三口围坐在桌子边。)
18、Such tall buildings, a conservationist there protested, would interfere with the night migration of birds, which wouldbang into the unexpected obstructions.(有一位环保主义者认为,大楼如此之高,将会危及喜欢夜间迁徙的鸟类安全,因为飞鸟完全可能“砰”地一声撞在冷不丁出现的障碍物上。)
19、The shifting architecture on the journey traces the changes wrought by “Big Bang”, a set of new rules for the financial-services industry that came into force 25 years ago, on October 27th 1986.(一路上建筑物多变的风格一直可以追溯至25年前的“金融大变革”,即1986年10月27日强制推行的一系列金融服务业新规则而造成的改变。)
20、We'll start off with a bang and move on to the basic laws of the universe, before hitting evolution. Finally, we'll tackle some headier material, delving into the realm of quantum physics.(我们以大爆炸理论为起点,继而谈到宇宙基本规律,再触及人类进化,并最终着眼于较为深奥的问题,深入至量子物理学领域。) 【好工具hao86.com】
21、I didn't mean tobang into you.(我不是故意撞你的。)
22、Only then can they hope to describe conditions at the Big Bang, when all space and time was compressed into a volume far smaller than a proton.(只有那样他们才能指望描述大爆炸的情况,所有的空间和时间全部在那时被压缩成一个远小于质子的体积。)
23、The boy on the bicycle wentbang into a telephone pole.(骑自行车的小孩子砰地撞到电线杆上。)